Michael Connor

Far Rockaway, NY —

Member Since October 21, 2002

Michael Connor is Co-Executive Director of Rhizome, where he oversaw the Net Art Anthology initiative, an effort to retell the history of net art through 100 works, presented as an online exhibition, gallery exhibition, and book. He is also curatorial advisor for Kadist, a non-profit contemporary art organization, and ArtBlocks, an NFT platform. His first online curatorial project took place in 2003 at FACT, Liverpool, where he organized an edition of the traveling exhibition “Kingdom of Piracy” with Shu Lea Cheang, Yukiko Shikata, and Armin Medosch. Connor is currently editing a book by Gene Youngblood about the work of Kit Galloway & Sherrie Rabinowitz.
March 10 2016 13:14 on Review: Who Run the World?

One of the works not mentioned here, Ei Jane's series "#NotYetDead," is one of the most politically charged works in the show: a photo series in which self-identified Black ...
Not really - but I'm using the term public utility in the usual sense of a body that provides something like water or gas to the public, but may be privately ...
The other consideration I raised was whether the profile was being used for publicity purposes. The larger point there is that not all contexts are created equal, and so violating ...
It is a mistake to rely too much on what is technically public or private to guide decision-making about whether to respect the contextual integrity of any communication. Hilary Clinton's ...
Your examples of the "missing" sense of the term public are all spaces. A more apt analogy for Facebook would be a public utility. Public utilities can be privately owned ...
Thank you for doing such a good job illustrating the impoverishment of commenting culture outside of Facebook! You really captured the patronizing tone of a commenting demographic that feels its ...
I think it's an excellent point that "the internet" is not a fixed entity, but changes over time.

Bosma has pointed out on various Facebook threads that all of the ...
OK I just looked at the link again and some of it is embarrassing, but I do like the French revolution stuff.
Yeah, I think the definition we offered is the opposite of media specific. A human body can act on a network, or a script can, or anything.

My thoughts on ...
Hi Nicholas, Nice to hear from you.

I like the way Hansen bases his definition of new media on the body and affect, but he approaches these concepts in slightly ...
Yes, I have considered it. However, I'm very excited about our work in dynamic web/social media preservation, and I think this demands that we remain invested in a logistically ...
Feb. 12 2015 16:34 on Artist Profile: Antoine Catala

thank u! fixed
Jan. 19 2015 15:40 on Bodies on the Line

I fully agree about etiquette w/r/t social media being needed! I think in this case it's particularly complex because no one seems really clear on the object boundary ...
Jan. 19 2015 13:07 on Bodies on the Line

I'm dismayed by your suggestion that Ryder is currently being subject to harassment tactics. As we and you and others have pointed out, Ryder is far from the only one ...
Hi Tom,

I feel really good about the event. I'm not really ready to write about it, but I feel like I have to say something…

You used the word ...
In summary, I think it's OK for Kev to think about Taoism and the internet, even though I'm not interested in that in particular. But I am interested in his ...
I'm not particularly interested in the spiritual aspect of digital art, hence our recent emphasis on infrastructure and labor and materialism, mundane afrofuturism and internet realism…

It strikes me as ...
Hi Abe, thanks for your feedback. Our intent with this particular panel was to articulate a position that we felt was missing from the media narrative around the sharing economy ...
June 11 2014 13:10 on Getty Images: Still Kinda Sexist?

I wrote this in a moment when it felt like the media was hooked on praising the Lean In collection, and I couldn't find any voices to the contrary. Since ...
Kev asked me to remind Rhizome readers and net art pilgrims that they can visit him this summer and buy an Italian ice at DiCosmo's on 96th St. in Rockaway ...
Tom, apologies, the pics were faked by Zach, I'm adding a clarifying caption. Thanks for clarifying your position - I'm sorry for incorrectly characterizing it!
One issue of fact that interests me in this discussion - was the "virtual curator" concept actually adopted elsewhere around the time of the MCA show? If so, where?
Hi Tom - w/r/t your question about LA collectors, this is worth a look:
March 20 2014 21:50 on The Commenter: A Lament

Hi Theresa, I think Netbehaviour probably is the best listserve option for you, good that you're already on that. I love that you're on dialup.

Michael, much respect to the ...
March 20 2014 11:46 on The Commenter: A Lament

Good point.
Hi Tom, it seems we erred too far on the side of subtlety with this one, sorry about that :P

Coincidentally, I'm going to be in LA this week for ...
And (also monologuing) the other question: is "firsthand gameplay of otherwise difficult to experience titles" the central attraction that an exhibition might hold for most serious gamers, or is Nicholas ...
Hi Jason, Thank you for the thoughtful responses! And thanks for making your comment here on the site. A lot of people chose to respond on twitter.com, a for-profit ...
Hi Tom,

I'm going to make a note to come back and star this comment if we ever introduce that feature at some point in the future. So relieved that ...
Nov. 22 2013 13:59 on Art Criticism in the Age of Yelp

I found this comment funny and cool.
"This era is too much defined by people trying to define this era!"

I like that.

About time to get that intergenerational interview series going… I'll email you!
Point of clarification, she doesn't say it's the first material engagement of this kind for all artists everywhere, she says it's the first material engagement of this kind for many ...
For the most part, I thought Ben made some excellent points, although this was not one of them.

In the video, you can see that he used air quotes when ...
The statement is obviously exaggerated, but I would offer a slightly different argument: VVORK was incredibly influential in demonstrating that online viewing of non-born digital artwork could be experientially rich ...
Sept. 24 2013 13:36 on A Letter to Jennifer Knoll

Just a quick clarification - the picture shown in this link is actually Constant's restored version, which he is re-circulating online… not the original.
fixed! thanks for the eagle eye.
Alex, the latest Prosthetic Knowledge post (this time on the theme of Net Artist Music Videos) includes a work by Rosa. http://rhizome.org/editorial/2013/aug/28/prosthetic-knowledge-picks-net-artist-music-videos/
XFR STN runs through Sept 8 - if you have any plans to visit NYC, drop us a line!
Aug. 14 2013 16:01 on The Week Ahead: Honk-Tweet Edition

My apologies, Manfred! On second look it is clear that the early work is only one component of the exhibition; we've corrected the post. Thanks for noting this!
Fixed, thanks!!
I love the link between facial recognition and phrenology in this project.
Thank you for the detailed feedback. I'm changing the date of Gaitán's death and the one instance where Colombia is misspelled. Pre-Columbian is correctly spelled with a u.

I'll discuss ...
June 21 2013 15:41 on Cory Arcangel, "GAO" (2013)

Does anyone know of other examples of artistic interventions into/disruptions of e-flux press releases? I feel like this should be a whole genre.
Tom, I concede that I over-simplified your argument w/r/t deviantart vs gallery-based art world, but I still think you're guilty of the same with regard to Orit's piece ...
Hi Tom, I did read all of those posts while this article was in process, thank you for sharing them here. I think Orit added something new to the discussion ...
May 20 2013 14:10 on Jack Goldstein, GIF Artist?

Sounds like a great event..
Hi Vic, It's definitely not required to have a partner confirmed - although your proposal would be that much stronger if you did.

One clarification: there WILL be commissions given to ...
Yes! One person needs to be main point of contact but you can have multiple collaborators.
April 30 2013 12:27 on Breaking the Ice

Here is what Daniel's original comment - the one that Rob quoted prior to his IQ comment - made me think: "That's interesting; maybe archiving discussions is one of the things that ...
April 26 2013 23:51 on Breaking the Ice

We won't really do that. It would be a terrible idea.

The Readers Survey does reflect the fact that Rhizome has a blog on its front page, and that website ...
April 26 2013 22:44 on Breaking the Ice

I think a members survey or community survey is a very different thing from a readers survey. We could also run a commissioned artists' survey, but this would not mean ...
April 25 2013 19:30 on Breaking the Ice

Thanks for the great ideas!
April 25 2013 13:03 on Breaking the Ice

I generally try to have better grammar than this. Sorry.
April 25 2013 13:02 on Breaking the Ice

Hi Michael, quick point of fact - the survey was organized (and titled) by our advertising partners, Nectar Ads. We wanted to embrace it because we want to support Nectar - they ...
April 24 2013 13:13 on Breaking the Ice

I am so impressed that you took the time to comment on this site on a dialup connection… Thank you for the feedback.
April 24 2013 11:13 on Breaking the Ice

This is definitely not the tone I want to foster on this site. Go after an argument, sure, but personal insults are out of place here.
April 23 2013 19:10 on Breaking the Ice

Patrick, next time you're in town, come by the office for a few hugs from current and former staff members.
April 23 2013 13:05 on Breaking the Ice

(I like this idea.)
April 23 2013 12:04 on #7on7HTC: Liveblog Part II

Your dog is really a lot better than their dog. :)
April 22 2013 16:13 on Breaking the Ice

This has turned into a really good discussion. I'm very interested in the various perceptions of Rhizome's history that have been shared, and of the differing ways that community has ...
April 22 2013 15:57 on Breaking the Ice

About your PS - what do you mean exactly? Please send me an example, if you would. I'm new here. The email is editor (at this website)
For more on this topic, please refer to my TEDTalk http://instagram.com/p/YQ17GsybUZ/
April 18 2013 14:58 on Breaking the Ice

Thanks!! So this thing does work after all :)

When you say "news"… what kinds of things are you most interested in? Digested listings of upcoming events, reports from recent events ...
April 23 2012 18:54 on JODI: Street Digital

Billy, we did replace the live GEO GOO with the documentation version, which is more stable.
April 23 2012 16:04 on JODI: Street Digital

Some people do confuse the abstraction with the reality… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIakZtDmMgo[/youtube]
April 8 2008 13:26 on Brush-off

But, "More money than taste"? If only!