The Week Ahead: Situationist Tubing Edition

This Saturday, artist/educator/author Curt Cloninger will give a brief lecture on the banks of the French Broad River in Asheville, NC about psychogeography, the Situationist practice of dérive, and Henri Bergson's understanding of time, memory, and the mind. After Cloninger instructs participants in the finer points of subjectively drifting through time in order to reclaim it, participants will drift downriver in floating tubes. The last person to reach the destination (a bar) will be crowned the winner.

Without further ado, here is a roundup of this week's events and deadlines, culled as always from Rhizome Announce

London, UK

27 & 28 July: Join Sam Ashby, Jesse Darling, Fabienne Hess and Jon Rafman for a special two-day open studio exhibition at The White Building. An Afterparty will be held on the 28th at 8.30pm.

Asheville, NC

27 July, 10.30am: The Media Arts Project presents "Off the MAP - DRIFT unRACE." 


26 July, 7.00pm: Opening of "TALES °F TOMORROW," which proposes futuristic alternatives to sexual reproduction, at team titanic.


23 July, 7.00pm: Brooklyn Futurist Society and the Volumetric Society present "Jonathan D. Moreno, Author of Mind Wars." (Full info).

24 July, 11.00am: Symposium on "Surveillance, Cybersecurity, and the Future of the Internet." 

San Jose, CA

24 July, 2.00pm and 26 July, 6.00pm: "A series of innovative, creative and collaborative workshops combining art, community, design, technology, and science." ZERO1 Garage, 439 S. 1st Street.

San Francisco, CA

26 July, 7.00pm: Opening of "AN EXHIBITION WHICH COMES AND GOES AS IT PLEASES" at Et al Gallery. 


23 July: "Art and Art History Department at The College of New Jersey seeks Adjunct Faculty to teach AAV-255/Web 1 for the fall 2013 semester."

29 July: "Rhizome seeks a highly capable, communicative and organized internet native to care for and cultivate our community."


26 July: "ArtUP! invites artists from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey to submit their work for the exhibition 'Home/s' that will take place in Athens and will be curated by Daphne Dragona and Katerina Gkoutziouli...Home/s' will aim to explore the notion of 'home' in times of constant connectivity" 

31 July: "VIDA 15.0, Art and Artificial Life International Awards...will be looking for artistic projects that offer innovative perspectives on life by using the latest technology and cutting-edge scientific knowledge."