Ceci Moss

This is an example of early computer graphics animation developed by Jane Veeder at the ...

Ceci Moss

This is an example of early computer graphics animation developed by students at the Electronic ...

Ceci Moss

This is a example of early video art using the color capability of the Sandin ...

Ceci Moss

This is a example of early video art using the color capability of the Sandin ...

Ceci Moss

The computer graphics for the first Star Wars film was created by Larry Cuba in ...

Ceci Moss

This is a example of early video art by internationally renowned technologist and EVL/UIC ...

Ceci Moss

This is a example of early video art using the color capability of the Sandin ...

Ceci Moss

This is an early video piece staring Dan Sandin in which he explains, in general ...

Ceci Moss

A joint initiative between the University of Illinois at Chicago's College of Engineering and ...

Ceci Moss