Ceci Moss

The video documentation from VVORK's New Silent Series event "Variety Evening at the New ...

Ceci Moss

Circular File Channel is the TV Network as TV Show. The project combines content produced ...

Ceci Moss

Everything In Heaven Is TV is a Totally Wreck Production Institute Production in association with ...

Jenny Jaskey

Pae White, The Oceanfront, 2009 Miami art fair season is in full force. Projects falling ...

Rick Silva

Amerika describes himself as a "thoughtographer", an "artist-medium", a "fictional philosopher", a "remixologist", a "network ...

Jenny Jaskey

Shana Moulton performing "The Undiscovered Antique" at Art in General The current exhibition at Art ...

John Michael Boling

Lauren Cornell

An ongoing project by artists Michael Smith and Joshua White, Open House was commissioned by ...

Ceci Moss

Dimensions: size variable, horizontal: 8 - 12 feet high x 10.6 - 16 feet wide Equipment ...

Ceci Moss

An appropriated educational film found at the UCLA physics lab where the artist has worked ...

Ceci Moss

Ecstatic Sunshine // Turned On from Mark Brown on Vimeo.