Ceci Moss

There is a deeply confessional element involved in our private interactions with technology. We confide ...

Ceci Moss

Double video projection, sound, loop / Dimensions variable / Installation view - Venice Biennale 2009

Ceci Moss

synchronized 3-6 single channel video sound installation. dimensions variable. duration: 12:00 minutes/endless loop ...

Ceci Moss

Still of Airshaft (to Piranesi) Ana Maria Tavares is known for installations employing materials such ...

Jenny Jaskey

Rachel Perry Welty’s video shows a frontal head and shoulders view of the artist ...

Mitchell Whitelaw

This essay was originally commissioned by Hordaland Kunstsenter (Hordaland Art Centre) in Bergen, Norway, to ...

John Michael Boling

Ceci Moss

Chain of Hyper Space scenes from films (a collaboration with Mike Merrill).