Tom Moody

Member Since December 15, 2002

I've looked at Dorothy Howard's Pew polling numbers. There are more recent surveys than the 2013 one, although the results are similar.
On social media use generally: http://www.pewinternet ...
Also, Ripps has said here on Rhizome that "the comment thread was friends only and i did not expect excerpts that fit the [AFC writer's] narrative to be screengrabbed." ...
They may both have been emotional. My point was the Facebook argument was "secondary" information and the Livejournal documentation was the "primary" artwork. This also applies to whether Ripps was ...
In the case of Paddy Johnson's unpermitted use of Ryder Ripps' Facebook screenshots, there was no "strong public interest argument" to share the posts. His art was not made with ...
If you have a substantial time investment in Facebook and put a lot of content up there, you might want to think of it as a public utility. I believe ...
Pastasauce's comments are mean and sarcastic but the analysis of, among other things, the different notions of "public" are well worth considering. This confusion over what's public came up during ...
Thanks for the Pew data – I will peruse and report back. I've been "indie" on the web for about 15 years but I don't consider myself a "coder." ...
Thanks for confirming that Rhizome Today has been shelved. (Sorry if you did already and I missed it.) A complete archive of these "0-day" posts should be made public, if ...
"Pastasauce" has a reply to Michael Connor – I was emailed a copy – and no, I am not Pastasauce but I certainly sympathize. Pastasauce has apparently been "blocked" and ...
Howard's article is a bit strange in that gives viable reasons for not Facebooking, presents some alternatives, and then concludes with the author creating a Facebook group. Pastasauce's reply also ...
Mid-'00s blogs were an improvement on lists, in that authors could illustrate stories using directly embedded images and media files, and host real-time comments that then became an easily searchable ...
"Logistically separate publishing platforms" are absolutely the way to go, especially for artists, non-profits, and other content providers that aren't dependent on selling editorial wares. Herrman's articles in The Awl ...
June 5 2015 08:21 on Bodies on the Line

Michael, you wrote above that: "A more nuanced troll would have forced us to confront contradictions in our own position, making it difficult to make any statement at all. The ...
Michael, have you considered shutting down Rhizome's public editorial presence and moving it to Facebook? You acknowledge Facebook's "continued role as something like a public international utility." It seems ...
Jan. 22 2015 22:46 on Bodies on the Line

Not the discussions – the threat. You can probably research that.
Jan. 21 2015 10:07 on Bodies on the Line

Correcting my own typo, that first sentence should read:

"Michael, if you truly felt sorry for the distress that you caused Ripps you'd remove the tweet slamming his work, as ...
Jan. 21 2015 09:21 on Bodies on the Line

Michael, if you truly felt sorry for the distress that you caused Ripps you'd removed the tweet slamming his work, as well as this post vaunting your superior ethical sense ...
Jan. 19 2015 15:53 on Bodies on the Line

I would take Ripps at his word that the discussion of "Art Whore" was friends-only, and therefore social media "reaction," to the extent it escaped those bounds, is not ...
Jan. 19 2015 14:33 on Bodies on the Line

I didn't say that "every viewpoint, however unpopular, must be expressed in full public view." As you say, the parameters of your "archiving" haven't been defined yet. Some form ...
Jan. 19 2015 09:50 on Bodies on the Line

At one point Rhizome's conservator planned to monitor "social media" – that would have been helpful here as we could see both sides of the "debate": the private witch hunting ...
Regarding Michael Connor's statement "I certainly don't think that Rhizome should only stage events the outcome of which is known in advance": In theory you want to take risks but ...
The US founders didn't say you couldn't practice religion but they wisely kept it out of government. I feel the same way about religion in art, and on tech sites ...
If Bewersdorf had found Jesus, yes, it would have piqued many people's interest. The question is, would Rhizome be promoting a public reading? It's possible to make fun of the ...
Was re-reading this Bewersdorf photo essay from 2008:
It's well written and wry but you never think for a moment that he actually ...
And in reply to Zachary above – "more soon" is fine. It's great that you're tackling these issues.
Or, it is horribly adequate if you want to vent to a few friends and not have a permanent searchable archive of your comments. (Assuming Facebook doesn't then blow another ...
Here is a specific example and a question about how this Facebook proxy would work.
According to Paddy Johnson ( ), Marisa Olson recently "took ...
I thought it was probably a joke but it still gives me the willies. Good work, Zach.
As for grinding my teeth over this post (see, Twitter) two months ago I wrote here ( ) that if "Zachary Kaplan is zealously ...
Mr. Decter points out a factual error in my post – I wrote that in his "Screen" show he "placed TV cameras in the room to film the works." ...
Michael, thanks for the link to the Simchowitz interview. He is quite the self-regarding loudmouth, or "amplification nodule," to use his term. Interesting that he gives no credit to ...
My use of the term "souvenir" referred to an established practice of selling documentation for "immaterial" performances, happenings, etc. The classic example: Chris Burden had himself nailed to a Volkswagen ...
March 21 2014 08:02 on The Commenter: A Lament

Some technical issues need to be solved as well, such as the lag time that occurs between when a comment is made and when notice of it shows up on ...
March 21 2014 07:55 on The Commenter: A Lament

Rhizome's reblogging of content from the wider internet, beginning around 2005 or so, using a diverse pool of interested (but unpaid) "site editors," was a smart move. It elevated ...
March 20 2014 11:03 on The Commenter: A Lament

^In fact, I'm sure that's what he meant.
March 20 2014 11:01 on The Commenter: A Lament

Since Rob Myers didn't actually state a complaint let's not read his mind and invent problems. His posting of the dead horse and Easter Island statues might refer to the ...
March 19 2014 16:09 on The Commenter: A Lament

Michael composed this post "live" on streaming video and put it up minutes before I came on to read comments aloud (into the same camera), so I didn't see what ...
The Fahrenheit 451 connection is intriguing – a '60s vision of abstraction-as-dystopian-mass-entertainment is certainly an interesting jumping-off point for a '90s body of work. As one who watched Jeremy Blake's ...
Semi-correction: I was confusing Liquid Villa with an even earlier Blake work, Bungalow 8. The latter work packed a wallop during its run at Feigen Contemporary, Liquid Villa was basically ...
Uggh – typo – Mr. Market does not need a definite article.
It's too late to lobby you about that LA show but here's what I wrote in 2003 comparing Jeremy Blake to a then-lesser-known artist named Cory Arcangel: http://www.digitalmediatree ...
Ha ha, this will teach me not to skim and troll (or at least, mouse-over).
Dear Kenneth,
Your report gives few details about this performance so I had to resort to USA Today:

The exhibit is a collaborative project between LaBeouf, Finnish performance artist Nastja ...
Am looking forward to having Dragan here in NYC and working on this. You need someone with a sense of both the art and the tech, and he's got both ...
On an initial skim of this post I thought, "Magda Sawon is showing MSPaint?" and then realized you were making an analogy and that this is just another acrylic ...
In view of the plethora of terms all saying the same obvious thing (not all internet art takes place on the net) let's propose a new term suggested by Ceci ...
1987. My friend Les from high school is now a mathematician with research interests in commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, and algebraic K-theory. I'm visiting the college where he's teaching ...
Hi, Michael (Connor),
As editor you interpreted the list a certain way and felt it worthy of putting up. I can't speak to how Bell-Smith is employing these tools or ...
Hi, Michael,
It's tempting to call this essay "7 Things in Search of a Stance"; what is your point exactly? Amateurism is bad? Prosumers are victims, and you, as a ...
Great, and thanks to Furtherfield for spreading the word on this. I mentioned Rene's piece and stooped to self-plugging because I think Nate Hitchcock's post does a disservice to the ...
As an artist in this pavilion I would have hoped for a tad more critical commentary. Such as, how "Limelite Tab One Remix" injected some wacky "dump style" into the ...
^actual core similarities in people's methods
On our panel in 2008 the NYC art gallerist Magda Sawon was in the audience and after listening to Petra Cortright, Damon Zucconi, and yrs truly talk about our work ...
In the "sings the blogs" example above, "post-internet" was a rather trite way of saying your art was based on something the whole world was already reacting to. The other ...
Feeling a bit uncomfortable in the "kids get off my lawn" zone…
We're all struggling with how much autonomy it's possible to achieve from ubiquitous tools we didn't design. And ...
In the present post, Michael Connor makes a distinction between a Web 1.0 artist as modernist, idealistically seeking the innate language of the web, and post-Web 1.0 as ...
A while back, Rhizome posted Guthrie Lonergan's Hacking vs Defaults chart, which among other things contrasted JODI's blog URL with my blog URL (I was "defaults"). Curiously, the screenshot chopped ...
Hi, Orit,
The time to discuss this is now. If, as you suggest, Deviant wins, this whole problem goes away.
e-Flux, by actively soliciting art and e-world support, is in ...
Also, Michael, am not disagreeing that curation at this point is mere selection. Vidokle said "we won't be curating" instead of "we won't be gatekeeping" because he wanted to deny ...
Hi, Michael,
Thanks for the response. Orit Gat adopts a "on the one hand, on the other hand" style of writing that raises questions but stops short of taking a ...
Are "new speculative opportunities as dizzying as those of Zola’s 19th-century Paris" a good thing? Bad? Pure hype? Orin Gat's article takes no position on e-Flux's attempt to corner ...
March 27 2013 06:27 on Highlights from 2008

My discussion above with Ed Halter about so-called Internet Aware Art (in 2009) seems to have gotten disconnected from the above post in my Rhizome comments archive (aka member activity ...
For the record, the most active Nasty Nets users were Travis Hallenbeck (168 posts), Tom Moody (150), Marisa Olson (144), Joel Holmberg (138), and Guthrie Lonergan (86).

The users singled ...
Belated smear response: Will Brand claims "there was a guide a few years ago to arguing with Tom Moody that described the strawman accusation as cheap to produce and costly ...
Since Ryder has reactivated his Facebook account the download of his data now seems like a bit of a hollow stunt. We're back to Joanne McNeil's meditations on temporality as ...
Neither this post nor Joanne McNeil's paragraphs describing The Download mention that Ryder Ripps has deleted his Facebook account and this download of all his data is connected to that ...
Just watched "Data Diaries" on the Turbulence website, where it's been for years ( ) and there is no anti-aliasing - everything is perfectly sharp. I'm using the ...
Aug. 3 2011 21:13 on London Calling

We're not going to have a debate about whether your city's art scene is more political than mine. Good try, though. Others may love this topic, so go for it.
Aug. 3 2011 19:57 on London Calling

Ben, I wasn't asking for you to write the article Archey suggested in her last sentence.
Comparing whether one city's art is more political than another's is one of those ...
Aug. 3 2011 17:50 on London Calling

The last sentence should probably be the lead and have some support beyond the author's hunch.
In its ideal form crowd-sourcing works like the 12 person jury–everyone has some insight or observation to contribute, regardless of their authority or expertise. The plaster casts aren't meant to ...
July 3 2011 12:28 on Go Ahead, Touch Her

July 3 2011 12:25 on Go Ahead, Touch Her

This discussion refers to a post the link to which has been changed. The new link is
What is the basis (citation, reference, etc) for this statement in the above review?
"BYOB first
launched last year in Berlin by Dutch artists Rafaël Rozendaal and Anne de Vries ...
correction to the first sentence: "…in lawsuits over copyrighting of samples in hiphop music."
These issues were worked out in depth 20 years ago in music, in lawsuits over copyright. Eventually artists learned to disguise the samples, but then the frisson of the quote ...
March 17 2011 00:12 on Rhizome Archives Live!

Another question: On the front page "active discussions" box, my name appears as "Tom Moody" but on comments it appears as TOMMOODY. Is there a reason for this inconsistency? Can ...
March 17 2011 00:06 on Rhizome Archives Live!

Also, please note the "Professional Surfer" exhibit was Jan 2007, not 2006.
Nick, I have a long-ish list of "fp" links on my site(s) that are not redirecting to ...
The show was called ART@* ^ !! WORK–it was spelled differently every time it appeared. (Click photo of cubicle for link to the curator's page.) The punctuation is causing some paragraph breaks ...
March 10 2011 10:38 on Rhizome Archives Live!

Thanks for putting this up. Am checking to see if there any broken links from my blog to this archive content. (Hopefully no one will be too weirded out by ...
Feb. 23 2011 11:33 on The New

Michael, it's a public website and a public record, and these links aren't being fixed. If someone follows a link from my blog and it doesn't work, it's easier to ...
Feb. 23 2011 10:15 on The New

Looks like URLs are still breaking in comments, as well.
Feb. 23 2011 10:14 on The New

Hi, Nick,
It's been almost a month and the above links still aren't working. Paddy Johnson noticed some other errors and mentioned them on her twitter, specifically that the "Rhizome ...
Jan. 22 2011 14:15 on The New

Hmmm , looks like those URLS in the post above need a space before the break tag.
Jan. 22 2011 14:12 on The New

Hi, Nick,
I like the comments having the same font size as the main post. The Artbase redesign looks good so far.
Some bugs:
The reblog posts are now tagged ...
Aug. 25 2010 10:00 on Required Reading

Ha ha, just realized that link opens in a new tab or window so it only compounds the sound problem. My kingdom for a moderator.
Aug. 25 2010 09:57 on Required Reading

Hi, Guthrie,
First off, sorry for engaging my psycho-stalker on this page, who is now posting sound files and such. Hard to have a conversation with that kind of kindergarten ...
Aug. 24 2010 08:34 on Required Reading

Matthew, when you posted that to I thought it was funny. Seeing it here kind of makes me vomit.
Aug. 24 2010 08:27 on Required Reading

Maxwell, turning off the hyperlinks and stripping out the CSS is neutralizing and sterilizing. As noted below, the videos lose their "charming ineptness" as videos. The work becomes another collection ...
Aug. 23 2010 14:18 on Required Reading

A photo of Chris Burden nailed to a Volkswagen, with the nails presented on a small plaque, is boring compared to the actual event, but that is the artwork as ...
Aug. 23 2010 08:18 on Untitled (2010) - Brody Condon

Just saw this reply from brody.
I love the way criticism can be reduced to a "grudge," especially when coupled with a "threat."
For the record, folks, I ...
Aug. 23 2010 08:06 on Required Reading

Hi, Lauren,
Everyone's agreeing (some more belatedly than others) that Ben Davis didn't do enough homework. Not sure if more museum exposure will help this kind of work if it ...
Aug. 22 2010 14:13 on Required Reading

Hi, Jesse,
Didn't see the YTMND show but it dealt with the issues more squarely: you know you're looking at recycled content and considering the subject matter you definitely know ...
Aug. 21 2010 11:05 on Required Reading

Here is the "original" of Lonergan's MySpace Intros:

Imagine encountering this in 2006 without any context or explanation (Ben). With only the knowledge ...
Aug. 20 2010 13:23 on Required Reading

Everyone loves a food fight. Glad I could entertain. People learn from art history, duh mom.
The Guthrie Lonergan MySpace intro piece still hasn't been discussed. I realize that no ...
Aug. 19 2010 11:35 on Required Reading

Thanks for posting this, Duncan. Seems like we're in a agreement on the main points. Besides a blog, twitter, and I also have some fixed content websites. Experience ...
Aug. 18 2010 19:04 on Required Reading

"If you are so down with the era of social networking, why retreat back to your self-moderated, one-to-many / broadcast-model blog? Why not stay here and dialogue with me on an ...
Aug. 18 2010 13:11 on Required Reading

Curt, you forget, I addressed you once before, to explain why I don't address you.
Social media begins not with the advent of Facebook (Rhizome's "Blogging and the Arts" panel ...
Aug. 18 2010 00:52 on Required Reading

Are you seriously saying mail art and EAT are social media? Yes, I guess you are.
That's kind of like saying stage plays were an early form of television.
But ...
Aug. 17 2010 08:39 on Required Reading

There was a specific example on the table, of how a Guthrie Lonergan piece was transformed by stages from an expression inside social media into standard museum video art fare ...
Aug. 15 2010 22:55 on Required Reading

I wasn't trying to prompt a reply to Davis's muddle. I was asking why Rhizome endorsed it, in light of Davis being wrong on specific examples.
Aug. 14 2010 10:04 on Required Reading

Jason, glad to hear about your reservations. Davis's self-criticism at the end is just a little cough of modesty after he has laid out his Grand Unified Field Theory, I'd ...
Aug. 12 2010 17:05 on Required Reading

Davis is one of those art world people who heard about Facebook two years ago. He doesn't use the word "blog" once in his essay–not because he thinks they're old ...
Aug. 11 2010 17:33 on Required Reading

Davis writes for a magazine called "Artnet" and that's about his sole connection to the digital world from what I've read of his past articles. Mostly he obsesses about Marxism ...
Aug. 11 2010 12:10 on Required Reading

Thanks, Michael and miley,
I appreciate that dissent can be slipped in the back door here at Rhizome, when the organization officially endorses one of the more boneheaded essays currently ...
"while at Rhizome be sure to read about coal-fired computers and feel really bad about yourself. (I seem to recall this was a late '90s canard designed to spur coal ...
June 5 2010 14:11 on Untitled (2010) - Brody Condon

Why is Saks' green light for this a "surprise"? Guess everyone's forgotten heroin chic and Diesel's "dead teenagers" campaign. And name-checking Trisha Brown, how wonderfully correct.

Got this to load and wrote a few thoughts on it here:

Good interview, thanks. Shout out to Michael.
I was lucky to have seen Open House in its real space incarnation. It made perfect sense in the old NewMu basement, which ...
April 2 2009 22:23 on Reappearance of the Undead

Just to clarify–not saying Lialina's project is infected, merely that it was made before infection became an everyday occurrence.
Jay has been into your work for years, Travis, he told me. He's just really shy about posting.
April 2 2009 09:45 on Reappearance of the Undead

I am proud to be a part of the new webring for Agatha.

In a talk at Bryce Wolkowitz gallery a while back Olia Lialina discussed the context of this ...
By the way, speaking of IRL, how about the insightful spam in these comments? I forgot to plug my online pet grooming service.
I enjoyed the performance by ASDF:

"With Mylinh Nguyen sitting in the gallery and David Horvitz chatting live from Golden Age in Chicago, ASDF [made] available an ephemeral show of ...
March 21 2009 13:52 on Highlights from 2008

Re-reading my earlier comment in this thread, when I said no one knew what the term Internet Aware Art meant in the Rhizome posts following the Net Aesthetics 2 panel ...
March 21 2009 13:39 on Highlights from 2008

Hi, Ed,
Enjoying this slow motion discussion!
You said Lonergan's term "has certainly resonated and has gained some significance in describing the approach of other artists."
Resonated with whom ...
March 19 2009 10:50 on Pixel Bleed

Ramsay, that is on point. Here's the indifferent statement you indifferently linked to, for the record. It is masterful deflection of criticism with phrases such as "it was obvious" and ...
March 13 2009 01:16 on Pixel Bleed

The data mushing in the Kanye video does more than "add some depth to an otherwise insipid song" and I think it's more than just "making the passage of ...
March 5 2009 23:54 on Pixel Bleed

I like what's going on in the Chairlift and Kanye West vids on a wow factor level and maybe slightly beyond that and find it somewhat amusing that Nick Briz ...
March 2 2009 12:11 on Pixel Bleed

Hi, John Michael,
Question about the title of the Paul B. Davis/Paper Rad piece: on YouTube it says "Umbrella Zombie Mistake" but here you are calling it "Umbrella Zombie ...
typo 2: "the piece was transformed from a series of YouTubes with ordinary, interactive controls into a rather elegant video collage," not "the piece was transformed to a series ...
typo: "I think it was a better piece," not "i think it was better piece." (How is babby formed?) I miss not being able to edit my fkubs.
Feb. 18 2009 14:13 on Wikipedia Art

Curt, I don't doubt you are capable of being even more condescending.

On my blog I've listed other instances of Lichty's "pseudo-scholarship as performance," or however it's being justified ...
Well, you can shoot the messenger and say he's missing the point all you want but there are divisions between new media and the "artists with computers" category discussed in ...
Yes, the artMovingProjects version definitely tipped the idea away from the personal home computing experience (although it was shown on a standard Samsung LCD monitor with Mac Mini visible nearby ...
Feb. 18 2009 11:12 on Wikipedia Art

"You will have to engage your intellect to properly consider these questions."

Curt, there you go again.
It would be nice to hear from John Michael about why he picked this piece.

Credit should certainly go to all the nameless videographers capturing phone poles wherever they may ...
Forgot to mention the artMovingProjects showing of the piece also appeared on the Rhizome calendar a while back.
Guess not. Anyway, Aron Namenwirth, artMovingProjects co-owner, singled out this piece from the mass of spiritsurfers posts and went to special trouble, working with Slocum, to find a way to ...
Feb. 17 2009 14:52 on Wikipedia Art

correction, "TS is Lichty"
Feb. 17 2009 14:51 on Wikipedia Art

This comment of Patrick Lichty's in the Wikipedia discussion section is completely biased advocacy masquerading as scholarship (TS is Lichy):

"This sort of artwork already has strong precedents in history ...
A gallery version of this piece, without the YouTube controls, ran last month at artMovingProjects in Brooklyn. It worked very well as a piece of stand-alone video art. Did anyone ...
Feb. 17 2009 14:19 on Wikipedia Art

This project is being mostly panned over at Paddy Johnson's blog:

(cross posted to the other discussion at ...
It doesn't seem possible for you to have an online discussion without abusive language ("trollish" etc.) so I try to avoid engaging you directly. Sometimes it's difficult not to ...
Ceci replied to my post and I replied to her.
Fine if you want to insert yourself into the conversation but it's still a free country, no one has ...
For the record my blog post was called "New Media vs Artists with Computers," not "New Media Artists vs Artists with Computers," as Ceci retitled it. The post ...
Feb. 3 2009 09:07 on bodega list (2009) - Jeff Sisson

"its readers already recognize the validity of the art covered here"

This is my point–make something, announce it in a press release, get a plug on tech sites for your ...
Jan. 29 2009 10:54 on bodega list (2009) - Jeff Sisson

Thanks for continuing to emphasize my social conscience. You are building up some serious cred for me here. Obviously you take my point that absent any larger group participation it ...
"open, unmoderated, many-to-many discussion of an idea you've proposed"

You mean the web, where people communicate with hyperlinks?

Hanging around these chatboards too long is dangerous to a healthy lifestyle ...
Jan. 28 2009 13:03 on Highlights from 2008

Hi, Ed,
I was referring to how Boswell became Johnson's de facto mouthpiece through a much-lauded biography. (Isn't that what we usually mean when we say "_______'s Boswell"? Maybe that's ...
Jan. 28 2009 12:00 on bodega list (2009) - Jeff Sisson

It's refreshing to be criticized for having a social conscience, since I'm usually "insulting artists" by being apolitical. My point is once you have your little moment of absurd non-functionality ...
Jan. 21 2009 02:08 on bodega list (2009) - Jeff Sisson

I think this is a good idea but as I suggested to Jeff Sisson via email, the documentation could be clearer.

As I understand it there are two different lists ...
I did post a reply to the allegation that I was "missing the point":

According to my omniscient stats no one ...
Jan. 19 2009 09:51 on Highlights from 2008

Guthrie Lonergan is unusually perceptive and has a caustic wit. That said, credit is generally given for defining a term when it's actually defined. "Internet Aware Art" is a Delphic ...
I didn't defend the surf clubs in terms of semiotics. You are probably thinking of Marcin Ramocki's essay.
The "task of massively modulating/modifying culture" is indeed easily ridiculable.
No one needs a new media "straw man" when the real thing is right over here on Rhizome.
"Admirably ...
Hi, Ceci,
Thanks for the response and giving some examples (which my post avoided). I hope to respond on my page soon.
Best, Tom
June 27 2008 16:49 on Weaving Shades of Binary Grey

Craft is used as a term of description in the second part of the sentence, not a value judgement, because the first part of the sentence makes it clear we ...
June 27 2008 10:58 on Weaving Shades of Binary Grey

In Olson's lead Matson is described as an "artist using textiles and needlework." You have to read across two sentences but the statement is very clear.
Thanks again, billy. I should add that there was indeed a full house, and people seemed to be having a good time, although there was some attrition, and notable sighs ...
The transcript says who was talking and when.
As for content:

"There is no basement in the New Museum or the Alamo" (Pee Wee Herman reference)
"Why did all these ...
Thanks, billy. I missed the feed so this was appreciated.
I gotta say the enthusiasm of this bunch who cared enough to watch the feed–random as it is–is a nice ...
May 11 2008 22:49 on Out of Office AutoReply

Martin, if what you are saying is true then the joke is only funny because some of us thought "out of office autoreply" could create such a loop. How awkward ...
A rainy day project for me (more like rainy month) is to start using Linux on my old PC. I'm bootstrapped into Windows right now because so much of the ...
One laptop per child seemed like a dumb idea to me but the "OLPC partisan" and his ensuing discussion with Clay Shirky made me rethink that a bit: http://www ...
April 16 2008 11:01 on Brush-off

A brief recap of the Tom/T.Whid fight history (simplication is not attempt to mischaracterize and I'm not in this for personal spite):
You reviewed Cory's Team show ...
April 16 2008 10:23 on Brush-off

I didn't say "computer envy" was the only link between the two bodies of work.
You might recall that up to that point in the discussion the frames for ...
April 16 2008 00:21 on Brush-off

That is, painters exhibiting in NY in the last decade…
April 16 2008 00:17 on Brush-off

Clarification of the clarification (a post on this may be necessary, with pictures): Manetas has made art with the computer, but the work he got known for, at Postmasters, was ...
April 16 2008 00:09 on Brush-off

A friend thinks I need to address this observation of Rob Myers':

>>Nesbitt's picture doesn't look photorealistic, it looks like the illustrations in children's books explaining IT of the time ...
April 15 2008 15:10 on Brush-off

I meant vis a vis and not via in the next to last sentence.
April 15 2008 12:36 on Brush-off

Rob, you're being a bit selective in reducing my timeline from Nesbitt –> Proops. I did mention some other artists in there. Nesbitt isn't a very good photorealist but that ...
April 15 2008 09:17 on Brush-off

Some afterthoughts from my blog (

Based on the jpegs ( it looks like another case of "computer envy" ...
April 15 2008 08:25 on Brush-off

Another typo, darn: "I think criticism helps us understand artists' work, even Dan Proops'. "

is what was intended.

And speaking of Proops, some thoughts:

It's hard to argue about ...
April 14 2008 17:05 on Brush-off

I don't agree that "the critic may hinder the artist's purpose." I think criticism helps us understand artist's work, even Dan Proops'.
Readers can decide who is the troll ...
April 14 2008 16:13 on Brush-off

"Meaning, from artists individual POV a negative public crit of a current show could be worse for the artist, on a whole, than whatever enlightenment they might get from the ...
April 14 2008 15:03 on Brush-off

"The negative probably outweighs whatever positive comes of it"

is a direct quote from your own post. Sorry you don't want to discuss it.
April 14 2008 14:32 on Brush-off

Typo: "many of art movements" should read "many art movements."
April 14 2008 14:17 on Brush-off

My digitalmediatree blog isn't unorganized–you found the exact language I was talking about.
I couldn't disagree more with these statements:

>>The critic's purpose is to crit & publish those crits ...
April 14 2008 11:24 on Let It Spin

Great responses, thanks. Other things to consider:

1. is chock-a-block with the fruits of inordinately long websurfing sessions

but sometimes just dumping files, which looks like work but is lazy ...
April 14 2008 10:30 on Brush-off

Re: your "liking" artist smackdowns.
That's funny, when I discussed Cory Arcangel's Team show on my blog a while back one of you was very concerned about criticism destroying ...
April 12 2008 12:37 on Let It Spin

Hi, Marisa,
Good summation of what Dubhap and other surf clubs do ("is chock-a-block with the fruits of inordinately long websurfing sessions: frayed gif mashups, hilarious if sometimes unnerving audio ...
April 10 2008 13:23 on The Rematerialization of Art

Making things happen is good. If you had a show with a non-self-referential theme–such as Patrick Lichty's "NeoPop Resurgence"–and mingled old media with new media work collectors would read the ...
April 9 2008 09:03 on The Rematerialization of Art

You said Ed's show.
I wasn't fanning the flames, I was saying that "selling art" is a boring theme for a show.
I think we've all learned today that the ...
April 7 2008 11:04 on The Rematerialization of Art

Patrick, this page still seems to be reposting comments when refreshed. I wasn't triple posting for emphasis, I swear. (Can you remove a couple of them?)
April 7 2008 10:48 on The Rematerialization of Art

A point of clarification. Ed said this about the blog post of mine he excerpted here:

"So while I think your observations about MBS's show are correct–that it's as much ...
April 5 2008 20:58 on The Rematerialization of Art

Nasty Nets was not oppositional, it felt like the right thing to be doing. Ditto my blog. I'm interested in galleries with the same spirit. Obviously they're easier to do ...
April 5 2008 10:01 on The Rematerialization of Art

Hi, Ed and Domenico,
Returning briefly to this discussion after a 36 hour hiatus.
One of the reasons I turned off comments on my blog was people were always pointing ...
April 3 2008 23:40 on The Rematerialization of Art

(That last comment was addressed to Paul.)
April 3 2008 23:38 on The Rematerialization of Art

Thanks for weighing in. We disagree on how to woo collectors but I'm not in the biz–I'll keep holding out for lofty content over "look, the Joneses are doing it ...
April 3 2008 22:33 on The Rematerialization of Art

You might, but Bernard and Quaranta didn't! They said it was about selling new media work, which Ed endorsed with a nice-sounding term (much the way critics used commodification in ...
April 3 2008 20:45 on The Rematerialization of Art

>>What exactly is the problem with organizing a show around collected artwork?

"Organizing a show around collected artwork"–no problem; that happens all the time. "Organizing a show around collecting work"–it's ...
April 3 2008 18:52 on The Rematerialization of Art

Yes, Olia, that kind of proactive statement is what we need–what I was trying to say earlier is the junk assemblage in the Whitney and NewMu is old news, more ...
April 3 2008 17:21 on The Rematerialization of Art

A painting is labor invested towards an idea. Once the painting is finished it becomes a product that keeps on communicating the idea, long after the artist ceases to be ...
April 3 2008 14:25 on The Rematerialization of Art

"My point is that's a better way to bring art into the computercentric world the rest of us live in than these circle the wagons exhibitions."

By the ...
April 3 2008 13:41 on The Rematerialization of Art

I must have missed Cao Fei that, Jaume Plensa, Jenny Holzer, John Simon, Lincoln Schatz, Cory Arcangel in the Whitney and NewMu this year. I will go back and check ...
April 3 2008 13:29 on The Rematerialization of Art

One bug with this comment software (in addition to the delay in the comment counter, which Paddy Johnson noted today) is that if you refresh you can end up reposting ...
April 3 2008 12:29 on The Rematerialization of Art

Hi, Patrick,
"one thing this show asks is whether New Media has been accepted as Contemporary Art (i.e. become part of the gallery/museum world), whose practices have been ...
April 3 2008 12:10 on The Rematerialization of Art

Correction: I have talked with Paul Slocum about presentation issues on the blog and elsewhere and I talked a bit with Olia Lialina about it, but that may have just ...
April 3 2008 11:57 on The Rematerialization of Art

Thanks, Domenico,
Re: your disappointment in Rhizome, I had hoped that Ed might pop in to defend the show he recommended so you didn't have to do it yourself, but ...
April 2 2008 17:16 on The Rematerialization of Art

So is an "editioned photo" at this point. We make compromises (arbitrary cutoffs of supply, agreeing to respect the edition, etc.) to help support artists in this cruel world.
I ...
April 2 2008 13:39 on The Rematerialization of Art

The art world has been selling souvenirs of dematerialized acts since the 60s. There's nothing wrong with artists getting paid. Talking about it is boring, though.
April 2 2008 12:44 on The Rematerialization of Art

Hi, Ed,
Am I to understand that this is an exhibit organized in a non-profit space, the theme of which is, "how artists are finding ways to get paid out ...
March 29 2008 22:23 on Out of Office AutoReply

Dime store Buddha
Buddha made by local artisans
Custom-cast bronze Buddha in edition of 3 made by Reid, my fabricator.
March 29 2008 17:27 on Out of Office AutoReply

It's OK for a critical advocate to project!
Without having seen any of the pieces (the jpegs-plus-commentary being somewhat like thought experiments here) I'm with Paddy in preferring the side ...
March 29 2008 10:49 on Out of Office AutoReply

The first instance of a stasis field I know of in science fiction comes from Larry Niven's "Known Space" series. In World of Ptavvs a surviving member of the extinct ...
March 28 2008 09:57 on Out of Office AutoReply

Hi, Marisa,

Some questions:

How does the changing the signature to one's gmail account save $500, for those who don't have gmail or an iphone? Also, you said "rapidly save ...
March 27 2008 14:46 on Interview with Guthrie Lonergan

Thanks for uncropping.
Exuberantly humbly,
PS I would say the people in Nasty Nets are going in radically different directions. One thing that made the site interesting was that ...
March 27 2008 14:43 on Interview with Guthrie Lonergan

Thanks for uncropping.
Exuberantly humbly,
PS I would say the people in Nasty Nets are going in radically different directions. One thing that made the site interesting was that ...
March 27 2008 02:40 on Interview with Guthrie Lonergan

Go, Guthrie!
Curious why the Hacking vs Defaults chart was edited–shouldn't it say "detail"?
Here is a link to full chart and some actual (gasp) discussion about it: http ...