Ryder Ripps

Member Since August 14, 2009

June 30 2016 12:52 on The Birth of the Meme Candidate

https://medium.com/@ryder_ripps/could-memes-be-the-only-thing-between-bernie-sanders-and-the-white-house-36c1ff054ec1#.sovcyw85w http://ryder-ripps.s3.amazonaws.com/video/RYDER_RIPPS-FACES_OF_BERNIE_SANDERS_DANK_MEME_STASH.mp4
unthinking, unethical and dull
Jan. 21 2015 00:32 on Bodies on the Line

Jan. 21 2015 00:31 on Bodies on the Line

i deleted the post in rage out of the fact that it was screen grabbed and made into a blog post.. there is much more to the story.. such as ...
April 4 2014 14:42 on Successful Apps Fill Gaps

nice copy of this thing i made http://vimeo.com/80310432
March 12 2013 13:31 on The Download: Deanna Havas

the prevalence of such "affiliate programs" is such a real thing, a real funny thing thats like on a lot of porn type sites, funny in this context.
Dec. 8 2011 09:01 on Artist Profile: Rene Abythe

hey rene (love),

i dont really use fb chat,, but i think they are saved in messages,,

all on view here as well http://ryder-ripps.com/facebook/html/profile.html ...
Aug. 17 2011 20:22 on It’s Only Humanist

So whats this essay prove? That greek references within art online are overused and obvious?
May 12 2011 12:20 on 3D ASCII Animated GIF from Japan

this is great
i love this piece!
Nov. 29 2010 16:19 on Trap (2009) - Justin Kemp

dude i still wanna buy that hotdog under the pillow
curt, u never fail at jerking off to the words of celebrity theorists…
Oct. 9 2010 19:35 on Brion Gysin Dream Machine App

Oct. 9 2010 19:32 on FREE KEVIN at Art in General

this is gunna rule!
Sept. 15 2010 02:24 on Ghosting (2006) - Riley Harmon

Sept. 15 2010 02:23 on Buzz (2006) - Jesper Carlsen

didnt some dude named dan flavin do this or whatever
i like this
Aug. 25 2010 14:06 on Call for Submissions

can i record my hard drive spin?
Aug. 22 2010 14:33 on Required Reading

lol *you're (fix in like a 10 instances)
Aug. 22 2010 14:33 on Required Reading

Curt, your like that annoying kid in school who everyone hates because he thinks hes so smart and thinks everyone else is so stupid because they have no friends. Your ...
April 21 2010 21:16 on Caps Lock (2010) - Andreas Banderas

why isnt rhizome more like 4chan?
(.づ☀‿☀)づ.~~~~~~> <3
March 14 2010 03:41 on FAVICONTEST: Winner(s)

congrats danny and jude! (my friends) and the otheres too i guess
Robak highhandedly represents the future of graphic design.
March 10 2010 05:34 on FAVICONTEST: 24 HOURS LEFT!

Awesome pic!
March 8 2010 01:54 on Introducing: dump.fm

Hey Curt,

Thanks for taking the time to check out the site and offer your opinion.

dump.fm is still very much in *beta*, and is operating as an experiment ...
Oct. 27 2009 00:58 on Emoticon (2007) - Eddo Stern

moves more than jasper johns
Sept. 23 2009 12:40 on 5 Minute Romp thru the IP (1971)

Its strange, I am wearing the exact same outfit as he is right now.
I dont get the point of this. Are they mocking livejournal entries? If so its not funny, mainly because their is nothing special about their performance. Livejournal entries will always ...

Caitlin, i love that piece, classic contextual netart very informed by Fukcult and Deridada