Ry David Bradley

Member Since March 7, 2008

Aug. 21 2011 00:17 on It’s Only Humanist

The western world is classically trained. Even when it pretends to subvert this classicism, it is showing its training. It's the same in the East actually. It's really just some ...
May 26 2010 23:33 on Immaterial Incoherence

Ps. But even then, it would be foolish to ignore the medium. One day we will do away with the medium, the message, and the aura. And move on, but ...
May 26 2010 23:23 on Immaterial Incoherence

True we could just accept and move on, contemporary life is riddled with the internet, it's not revolutionary anymore, now it's just boring. But I still think the perception of ...
May 6 2010 03:54 on Immaterial Incoherence

I really value this discourse, and the projects by Jogging have addressed some key issues for a new generation of artists who use web publishing as their primary medium. But ...
March 4 2010 00:27 on FAVICONTEST

or could somebody make one that alters ie/ samples whatever current post on rhizome home page…
March 4 2010 00:25 on FAVICONTEST

the one in your example with the flashing q mark ?
March 1 2010 03:23 on Using, Using, Used

[size=34]Farming, Farming, Farmed: 
Digital Folklore Reader, edited by Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied[/size]
By Kevin McGarry on Monday, March 1st, 2010 at 06:15 pm.

Within the ...
March 1 2010 03:15 on Using, Using, Used

Thx Heidi yeah true..

I'm sure it's a good read, as was the review. A text that we are fortunate to have had produced. When I read it will I ...
Feb. 25 2010 07:54 on Using, Using, Used

I could be wrong, but i'm not sure about this word 'user' and it's implication that it is a recent computer based phenomenon.
Sure the term User wasn't applied in ...
Hi all,

I understand what TM implies, implicitly because of what it means in relation to artists who use computers but don't know any code. A nuance Curt's conceptual equations ...