Ceci Moss

Richard Galpin’s complex art works are derived from the artist's own photographs of ...

Ceci Moss

Continuous color 16mm film projection with sound, projection screen, seats, 40 minutes, dimensions variable Creative ...

Alice Pfeiffer

A new gallery for video art, Vidéoclubparis offers a single, hybrid space with two parallel ...

John Michael Boling

The installation "capacitive body" is a modular light system that reacts to the sound of ...

Jacob Gaboury

Mader, Stublić, Wiermann, Façade, 2007 (Electronic Projection) 2007 The received notion of the public sphere ...

Ceci Moss

Takeshi Murata's Melter 2 at Gosen Skole from "Keep On Moving, Don't Stop ...

Ceci Moss

The spectacular view of the starry sky has long been a source of delight and ...

Patrick Ellis

Children love Ahmet Öğüt’s Exploded City. Its miniature edifices are suited to the kid ...

Ceci Moss

N Building from Alexander Reeder on Vimeo. N Building is a commercial structure located near ...