Natalie Saltiel

Takeshi Murata, EAI 40th Anniversary Intro 2011, 1:04 min, color, sound From April 13 ...

Peter Merrington

Terminal Convention was a contemporary exhibition and symposium housed in the decommissioned terminal building of ...

Ceci Moss

This video explores the themes of dispossession and repression. It was produced using sequences broadcast ...

Ceci Moss

The video 'Pruitt-Igoe Falls' takes its title from Pruitt-Igoe, a large urban housing project built ...

Ceci Moss

VernissageTV interviews artist Ulrich Fischer on the occasion of the presentation of Walking the Edit ...

Ceci Moss

Photos above from the Storefront for Art and Architecture's inaugural show Performance A-Z in ...

Ceci Moss

Marina Abramović, view of The Artist is Present at the MoMA. Photo: C-Monster. Inevitably, the ...

Ceci Moss

Ujino Muneteru transforms mechanical sounds into complex rhythms. Bored by the technical limits of his ...

Ceci Moss

This rich pamphlet grew out of The Internet as Playground and Factory, a conference organized ...

Ceci Moss

This just in: Lower East Side gallery Ludlow 38 will organize an exhibit of sound ...

Ceci Moss

The 7th edition of the annual New York psychogeographic festival Conflux kicks off on Friday ...