Brian Droitcour

DREAMCAPTCHA #006 from blackmoth on Vimeo. Video: Dreamcaptcha #006, 2008 Kari Altmann is a Baltimore-based ...

Ceci Moss

"But Dullaart's Readymades are more than a formalist exploration of the Internet at its ...

Ceci Moss and John Michael Boling

In lieu of a "Best of" we've decided to pull together projects, events and ...

Marisa Olson

One of the hallmarks of the current era of net art is the exhibitory display ...

Ed Halter

Marisa Olson

In these days of artist surfblogs and folksonomic curating, there's a discernible pattern to ...

Marisa Olson

Imagine an art collective whose practice--on the surface--revolves largely around inside jokes, self-congratulation, and the ...

Tyler Coburn

If virtual commerce were ever in need of a critical makeover, we might look no ...

Tyler Coburn

Artist Paul Klee once described drawing as "taking a line for a walk," though he ...