Ceci Moss

Live video installation constructed out of altered found objects, lazer prints from ebay and blogs ...

Ceci Moss

Eilis McDonald's Rapture Heap is a multi-phased project that centres around the occupation of ...

Ryder Ripps

Editor's Note: Ryder Ripps, of Internet Archaeology, along with Tim Baker (Delicious) and Scott ...

Ceci Moss

A fountain and its natural form, the spring, are symbols of the miraculous life-begetting 'élan ...

Kevin McGarry

Within the pages of Digital Folklore Reader, Olia Lialina, one of the book’s editors ...

Ceci Moss

Nicolas Sassoon, Leaving, 2009 (From Computers Club)  

Raphaël Bastide

net.art GIANT FUNNEL gif Raphaël Bastide is a freelance graphic designer and artist. ► The ...