Ceci Moss

Audiocassette tape, acrylic, electronics, sound. Installation of five sculptures, each 44" x 44" x 36 ...

Ceci Moss

Colour Chaser detects and follows black line whilst it reads the colour and translate the ...

John Michael Boling

This software randomly generates house music using the number pi. Pi is the ratio of ...

Ceci Moss

Lara demonstrating one of her projects I met with sisters Sarah and Lara Grant of ...

Ceci Moss

With this latest work, the Texas-based artist duo breaks new ground in the development of ...

Ceci Moss

I'm in the Bay Area this week, and I stopped by Important Projects in ...

Ceci Moss

David Rokeby, Very Nervous System, 1983- Montreal's art and science organization the Daniel Langlois ...

Ceci Moss

In half-light and fractured, staggering visuals, a young woman enters into a suburban house at ...