Ceci Moss

Sound recordings from three glaciers in Iceland, pressed into three records, cast, and frozen with ...

Ceci Moss

Ujino Muneteru transforms mechanical sounds into complex rhythms. Bored by the technical limits of his ...

Ceci Moss

Max Neuhaus, drawing for Time Piece Beacon, 2005. © 2005 Max Neuhaus. Photo: Cathy Carver In ...

Nat Roe

"The Built From Scratch Apparatus" is the general title for a series of projects by ...

Ceci Moss

This just in: Lower East Side gallery Ludlow 38 will organize an exhibit of sound ...

Ceci Moss

Over the weekend I popped by Audio Visual Arts (AVA), a sound and media art ...

Geeta Dayal

Music is analyzed and discussed using tools from many different fields - history, musicology, and sociology ...

Ceci Moss

An electronic oscillator is connected to an open circuit, in a way that when the ...