. Net Art Anthology

Gaby Cepeda

This article accompanies the inclusion of Electronic Disturbance Theater 2.0 and b.a.n ...

. Artist Profile

Celine Wong Katzman

“I'm struck by how arbitrary and slightly desperate it feels when a software program ...

Ben Fino-Radin

There is a new addition to the ArtBase's collection that we are rather excited ...

Casey Gollan

... “programmability,” the logic of computers, has come to reach beyond screens into both the systems ...

Ceci Moss

Watercolor on canvas with animated digital projection; Approx 3 hour loop [VIDEO] LINK »

Ceci Moss

Grafikdemo is a physical wireframe model of a teapot inside a Commodore CBM cabinet. The ...

Nat Roe

One of the foremost hive-minds of spectralism today is at the University of California’s ...

Ceci Moss

The content of the Pure Data application is read as pure data into sound and ...

Ceci Moss

Why the Earth is Green, 2010 The exhibition focuses on large-scale landscape paintings whose topographies ...

Ceci Moss

This is a didactic film in disguise. A progression of brilliant geometric shapes bombard the ...