Ceci Moss

Fold Loud is a (de)constructing musical play interface that uses origami paper-folding techniques and ...

Ceci Moss

For my exhibition I would like to present to viewers artworks that can be interminably ...

Robin Peckham

The exhibition "Resonance" was initiated in early 2010 as an experiment in the conceptual underpinnings ...

Alice Pfeiffer

A new gallery for video art, Vidéoclubparis offers a single, hybrid space with two parallel ...

John Michael Boling

H3X3N is a group of Computer Witches who have built an enchanted cube that casts ...

Ceci Moss

Rootkit : a type of software that is designed to gain administrative-level control over a computer ...

Jacob Gaboury

[Balloon, mirrors, glitter, chain, television, Dimensions Variable ] Fantasy Vision Meditation (In Color), a room-sized sculptural ...

Ceci Moss

As a memorial for the ".yu" domain - subject of conflicts during the war, now switched ...

John Michael Boling

Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living room was installed in an ...