Nat Roe

Peter Blasser is an audio alchemist: technician, musician, and guru rolled into one. Blasser’s ...

Ceci Moss

Martyna Szcz's White Ring I visited the one-day exhibition “Sequence of Waves” last weekend ...

Ceci Moss

Foam, plexiglas, latex paint 2 x 4 x 8 feet LINK »

Ceci Moss

Today we'll be turning the blog over to the many people involved with #hi11 ...

Ceci Moss

Alan Vega, Untitled, 1981-2010 (from Circuit Lausanne's collection on Collectionof) Collectionof went live today ...

Ceci Moss

Over the past year or so, Nicholas O'Brien has been contributing a series of ...

Ceci Moss

The thorn lodged in your swollen thumb is matter; the thought lodged in your mind ...

Peter Merrington

Nam June Paik (1932 - 2006) is an artist fabled for what he has achieved, as ...

Ceci Moss

This PDF is to serve as an extended statement of artistic purpose and critique of ...