Alice Pfeiffer

The banlieue, ie. the French suburb, has always been at core of Bad Beuys Entertainment ...

Ceci Moss

This gallery-installation/internet-art hybrid automatically created sculptures using spam and e-mail to trigger the sculpting ...

Lauren Cornell

An ongoing project by artists Michael Smith and Joshua White, Open House was commissioned by ...

Ceci Moss

site-specific installation: wood, newspaper, cardboard, duct tape

Ceci Moss

Weeping cherry tree, bolts, aircraft cable. (Courtesy the artist and SculptureCenter.) For one art, Gallaccio ...

Ceci Moss

Consisting of 17 vibrant hornbeam trees formally planted in a grid pattern, at the heart ...

Ceci Moss

Wendeltrap by Miriam Ellen Ewers (from Created by artist Peter Baldes's Electronic ...

Ceci Moss

This system provides light and food in the form of hydroponic solution for the plant ...

Ceci Moss

Plink Jet is like an elaborate electric guitar made from the motors and mechanical components ...

Ceci Moss

For those who missed the recent SHIFT Electronic Arts Festival in Basel, VernissageTV put together ...