
Pruned: Cellular Infrastructure

Mike Linksvayer

Pioneering CC label Opsound launched a completely redesigned site in September, adding a podcast, stream ...


It's an Online Soap Opera

Jeff Ritchie

Jeff Ritchie: 2006 iDMAa + IMS Conference HumanSystems | DigitalBodies

Lev Manovich

Lev Manovich: The dramatic increase in quantity of information greatly speeded up by Internet has ...

carlos rosas

carlos rosas: [....] New Media Art, Early Career Position The Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania

Marisa Olson

Marisa Olson: Two posts available in the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon.University: One ...


a series of psychedelic images, that explore the real purpose of aesthetic data visualization, or ...


Via cscout, this cool location-based game from Korea: Shoot Me If You Can (Taeyoon Choi):