Liz Nofziger

Liz Nofziger: Complete survey by 12/09/05 for a chance to win a one-year ...


Mobility, New Social Intensities, and the Coordinates of Digital Networks


Online Sound Composition: What's Become of the Score? The online Dots And Lines exhibition ...


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John Maeda: Exhibition at Fondation Cartier (stills from Nature series)

mez breeze

Trebor Scholz muses on the nature of time in the always-connected world: On my way ...

Marjan van Mourik

Marjan van Mourik: - Water& Works Lucy&Jorge; Orta, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL). The British artist Lucy ...

jillian mcdonald

jillian mcdonald: Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center & 3-Legged Dog Media & Theater Group present

Kenneth Fields

Kenneth Fields: The Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the China Electronic Music Center ...