. Artist Profile

Banyi Huang

Pete Jiadong Qiang discusses his work surrounding online fandom communities in China and his VR ...

. Net Aesthetics

Rahel Aima

As one of many amorphous masses of flesh, all rolls and folds like a browner ...

Michael Connor

"It unfolded in lame time." On Cheryl Donegan's 1997 HTML artwork.

Michael Connor

Sampled brushstrokes from historical paintings appear in a collage that evokes a contemporary experience of ...

Sofia Leiby & Jaakko Pallasvuo

Art is a role-playing game.

Zachary Kaplan

Curating art and media cultures for the gallery and web.

. Artist Profile

Lindsay Howard

"A lot of the websites I have made are about some kind of misplaced longing ...

Zachary Kaplan

Cant believe that can happen? Spammer-Human-Love.

Joanne McNeil

Gamaliel Rodriguez - Gamaliel Rodriguez, The alternate identity (from the series ‘Issues’), 2010, acrylic on canvas ...

Ceci Moss

Watercolor on canvas with animated digital projection; Approx 3 hour loop [VIDEO] LINK »