Ceci Moss

A modified black and white hairdryer of the same brand are installed on a grey ...

Ceci Moss

This video is a TV show made about the software Ivan Sutherland developed in his ...

John Michael Boling

Sixteen Candles is an experiment in physical computing. As a candle is burning, it is ...

Brian Droitcour

Image: Sign for Mama internet center This month I’m traveling through southeastern Europe from ...

Ceci Moss

Natalie Jeremijenko Robotic Goose launch from xDesign Project on Vimeo.

Ceci Moss

Duck out to a Park from Taeyoon Choi on Vimeo.

John Michael Boling

Music randomly generated by dipping ducks (AKA happy birds, drinking birds, dippy birds, happy ducks ...

Carolyn Kane

Image: Art and Electronic Media (Cover) Edward A. Shanken’s new book Art and Electronic ...

Brian Droitcour

Video: Schmelzolan on Overhead by Christian Faubel What do elementary school audiovisual departments have in ...

Jonah Brucker-Cohen

Focusing on a wide array of themes such as the context of a rapidly changing ...