Marisa Olson

Images, Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman, "Messa di Voce: Fluid" In 2003, Golan Levin and ...

Ceci Moss

Texas group ArcAttack make music by manipulating electrical arcs generated by Tesla coils. In these ...

Ceci Moss

Scene designer and robot artist Roland Olbeter developed and crafted the unique ensemble "The Sound ...

Alan Licht

The 2008 works by British artist Tim Knowles and Swiss duo Pe Lang + Zimoun that ...

John Alderman

Reproduction, appropriation, and automation are three major ongoing concerns within contemporary music and art. It ...

Marisa Olson

Survival Research Laboratories, Amsterdam, 2008 (Photo by Boris VanHoytema) The word "influencer" is most often ...

John Michael Boling

From the artist's statement:

Ceci Moss

In this research project funded by Montreal's Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and ...

Greg J. Smith

Interface aesthetics seem to push further into public consciousness with each passing month. Consumers are ...

Marisa Olson

Just in time for the holiday season comes an exhibition inspired by the heartwarming Brian ...