Alice Pfeiffer

A new gallery for video art, Vidéoclubparis offers a single, hybrid space with two parallel ...

Michael Connor

This disjunct between reality and its illusory other, the world of privileged consumerism, was at ...

Ceci Moss

In coordination with Saks Fifth Avenue and the PS1 Greater New York Exhibition, Brody Condon ...

Ceci Moss

Beryl Korot describes the impetus behind the innovative 1970s publication Radical Software, elucidating the history ...

Ceci Moss

In this talk, Prof. Coleman presents a cultural history and political analysis of one of ...

Greg J. Smith

I sympathize with the protagonist of a cartoon claiming to have transferred x amount of ...

Jacob Gaboury

(Left to Right) Maryanne Casasanta, Abigail McGuane, Lili Huston-Herterich, Aaron Graham An Immaterial Survey of ...

Jenny Jaskey

The Representative is a ‘portrait’ of a call centre worker that can be accessed by ...

Jenny Jaskey

Original Crate & Barrel ad with Horowitz's Number I was working as a photo assistant ...