Ceci Moss

A unique take on the form of a traveling exhibition, For a Brief Time Only ...

Ceci Moss

Tino Sehgal, the artist known for scripting scenarios, performed by actors following a set of ...

Ceci Moss

Over the course of the next few weeks, Danish art collective Superflex (Rasmus Nielsen, Jakob ...

Tyler Coburn

Opening this weekend at Utrecht's BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, "Artur Żmijewski: The Social ...

Marisa Olson

Damon Rich would like you to remember that in Old French, "mortgage" means "death vow ...

John Michael Boling

(In collaboration with BFFA3AE)LAUNCHMore work by Micaela Durand Here and Here.Via Travis Hallenbeck

Tyler Coburn

The Republican National Convention is still a handful of days away, but controversy is already ...

Marisa Olson

Montreal-based artist Matthew Biederman is daring to speak out about what he sees as military ...

Marisa Olson

In their 2005 project With Respect to Residue, the Raqs Media Collective printed a theory ...