Jason Huff

"Now, as a designer, you really have to think of how those objects are going ...

Joanne McNeil

A skeumorph is "a derivative object that retains ornamental design cues to a structure that ...

Sarah Hromack

"It's a matter of letting go of physical concerns about the book. Books are ...


The label reads: =if(Label=”“,”RMA”,”?”) This is an Excel function. It also would work ...


Nicholas Felton spends much of his time thinking about data, charts and our daily routines ...

Ceci Moss

Watercolor on canvas with animated digital projection; Approx 3 hour loop [VIDEO] LINK »

Ceci Moss

Grafikdemo is a physical wireframe model of a teapot inside a Commodore CBM cabinet. The ...

Nat Roe

One of the foremost hive-minds of spectralism today is at the University of California’s ...

Ceci Moss

1. Glowing RectanglesFor all the diversity of the contemporary media ecology - network, broadcast, games, mobile ...