Sergio Tavares

Member Since February 16, 2009

Majored in Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and moved to Finland selected for the Master Degree Program of Digital Culture at the University of Jyvaskyla. Founder of new media publishing house NEOCRONICA.ORG ( in 2005, releasing multi and transmedia stories, such as the series INCORPORATED, a criticism on corporative policies. In 2007, co-directed the project PRICELESS, documenting Brazilian loan companies’ irregularities. In 2008, participated in LiveHerring’08, a new media art exhibition organized by the Central Finland Council of Arts. As an Academic, published his Bachelor’s thesis on the ABED 2008 (International Congress of Online Education, Santos, Brazil), and works on narratives at, in 2009. In the same year, presented a paper on YouTube self-broadcasts at the University of Salford, UK. Professionally, worked as a designer, market planner, editor and writer on advertising, especially in new media.
Feb. 10 2011 05:56 on Moving the Museum Online

Indeed it seems more of an imitation of a real thing than a real thing itself. And by that I don't even mean the built museum, but rather the idea ...
Sept. 19 2009 20:50 on Speaking in Third Person

I find this very interesting. I am applying for a PhD program on this field and if anyone is up to discuss ideas on audience, spectators and new media, please ...