Sarah Cook

Member Since January 1, 1996
April 23 2013 10:07 on Breaking the Ice

Hi Michael and all,
I'm a (very) long-time lurker, infrequent poster to Rhizome, as you know, given that my energies have been devoted to keeping the CRUMB mailing list going ...
Thanks Domenico for this considered recap on the state of the field, and your generous albeit selective citation of our work. I think we are in general on the same ...
In reply to the previous post from Chuck Ivy
Just to let you and other readers know – the two volumes published by CRUMB together with The Green Box in ...
Thanks Nathaniel for the great review. Just one point of correction: in the last section I think you've inadvertently mixed up two different examples. NODE.London is a collaborative artist-led ...
Aug. 17 2009 09:53 on Between Spaces

Hello Rhizome readers and Claire,
Thanks very much for the feature on Beam Me Up, which I really enjoyed. I wanted to just note a few clarifications and point readers ...