Rhizome has long held on to this belief that the discussion gravitated away due to the emergence of social sites but that's not right. I remember when I first discovered ...
1992. Picked up the "connectivity" packet at the University of Minnesota and installed it on the only computer at work (Kinko's) that had a modem (it was the one that ...
I don't agree with #2. It's impossible to add pedagogical value to such a restrictive mode of creation. The restrictions force people to apply advanced methods to keep their code ...
" (I am not saying Brian's piece should be removed or censored but I think there could be some compromise such as allowing Nikola to post a brief, polite rebuttal ...
It's really none of my business but I think you must be misinterpreting parts of the article, Nikola. It's all good and positive. A writer who writes about someone's artwork ...
This could have been a thoughtful article on the conceptual implications of the Pirate Google website but the first line destroys the whole thing. Flaunting the assumption that the new ...
I have to admit that it hadn't occurred to me to compare GWEI and Wikipedia Art. What I thought was interesting about the Wikipedia Art concept was the idea of ...
I think it's pretty generally accepted by now that knowledge is not fixed and that's why wikipedia will accept anything that can be backed up with citations. Based on the ...
John Medeski is arguably one of the best current Melotron players out there. It's very prominent on the MMW album "End of the World Party" (for instance, but you hear ...
God forbid that any artist should ever inject any of their own creativity into their work. I mean, we ARE looking for the truth, right? We've had enough of these ...
Ed, I really have to wonder about your statement that "A significant part of that larger trend is that the gallery world today is overwhelming for-profit rather than non." ...
"Immateriality, when talking about the immateriality of NMA it seems that everyone is skirting around the term conceptual art, Sol Lewitt is mentioned but that is as far as anyone ...
The only thing I find annoying about this whole issue is that it sends a message that the immateriality of new media art is a negative thing whereas I feel ...
In the case of computer-programmed art, labour is invested towards an idea. Once the software is finished it becomes a product that keeps on communicating the idea, long after the ...
"Rather than a show about packaging/marketing, it would seem better to pair new media sphere artists with non, and not make a big deal about what you're doing." ...
I have to say that the title, "The Rematerialization of Art" has an interesting ring to it. However, if this becomes a trend it has to be considered a bit ...
I have to agree with Tom that the idea of using second-hand computers and "maintaining" the original owner's identity, sounds like it was a pretty strong conceptual component of the ...
Some might think, "…but it's just a bunch of 'shopping" but I think they're ...
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