Taking as its premise the idea that limitations can catalyze creativity, Rhizome & OpenProcessing co-present Tiny Sketch, a 200 Character Processing Competition that will run until September 13, 2009, 11:59pm.
Tiny Sketch is an open challenge to artists and programmers to create the most compelling creative work possible with the programming language Processing using 200 characters or less.
The winner will be determined by Rhizome's membership through an open vote that will take place between Monday, September 14th to Sunday, September 20th. The winner will be announced on Rhizome.org and OpenProcessing.org and awarded a prize of $200.00 (US). All sketches that are submitted to this competition will be included in the collection page and archived collectively in Rhizome's ArtBase.
Rules & Regulations
1. Your sketch code must not exceed 200 characters in length. (Including Spaces)
2. Your sketch must work properly over the internet on a web browser.
3. Your sketch is limited to the core functions of Processing.
4. No external libraries or external files are allowed.
A few suggestions about the "Tiny Sketch" competition.
1) It would be cool if there were a forum somewhere to discuss the competition. For entrants to swap tips, etc.
2) Many of the <200 entries have useful techniques that would be useful for those learning processing, but this pedagogical appeal is much reduced because the entrants need to be squished into a single line to save on characters. It might be good to use a script to judge the 'minimum length' of the programs, by removing redundant spaces, but allow the entrants to submit programs which are padded to > 200 characters for readability.
- Jim Bumgardner
I don't agree with #2. It's impossible to add pedagogical value to such a restrictive mode of creation. The restrictions force people to apply advanced methods to keep their code concise. Hardly the place to begin learning Processing. The best place to learn Processing is still the online reference: http://processing.org/reference/
Thanks for your feedback! We have comments enabled on the Tiny Sketch collection page on the OpenProcessing server. You can find it at — >