
Member Since March 26, 2008

Aug. 11 2010 13:35 on Required Reading

What's surprising to me is that as an editor he can write the following three paragraphs. What decade are we in again? That he thinks making these clear cut distinctions ...
July 8 2009 00:37 on Art In Your Pocket

My comments have _everything_ to do with the art. Is art immaterial now? Are you saying that these artworks somehow belong to some phenomenal realm that do not have their ...
July 7 2009 21:48 on Art In Your Pocket

So Amazon's decision to force Apple to pull a popular application due to its so-called "violation" of Amazon's API terms of service is okay? ...
July 7 2009 16:05 on Art In Your Pocket

"Since Apple has kept the economic barriers for entry into this world of mobile development relatively low, it's easier than ever for artists to use these devices for their creations ...
No, the comment is about dehistoricizing a practice that already succumbs to that enough via standard discourse. I would have appreciated comment by the editors about how this was related ...
Um, this is nothing new; the piece comes from using ELIZA, the well-known program written by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966 and available widely since then. I presume the artist is ...

My point is that it is impossible (or, should be impossible) to see art outside of a political context, especially when it is shown in conjunction with large world events ...

Hi T. Whid,

Thanks for the links, I've seen those projects in the past and are quite fond of them. There's also the historical antecedents, of course, of Electronic Disturbance ...

Congratulations to the winners.


I am somewhat disturbed by the lack of overtly political works in the list of winners. In this year, an election year, I would have ...