Rhizome 2009 Commissions: Announced!

Image: Angelos Plessas, Still from 'ElectricityComesFromAnother Planet.com' Proposal

We are pleased to announce the international group of artists who will receive grants through the Rhizome Commissions Program, this year.

Their projects will culminate in a variety of forms, from performance, to sound, to interactive websites and installation, to works that manifest across multiple disciplines. Each one pushes forward the field of contemporary art engaged with technology. All works will be completed by Summer 2009 or earlier, with information available on Rhizome.

The next call for commissions will take place in January 2009. Commissioned artists receive a grant and are invited to present their work at Rhizome's affiliate, the New Museum of Contemporary Art.

Marfa Webring, Jona Bechtolt, Claire Evans, Aaron "Flint" Jamison
In Marfa Webring, the artists Claire Evans, Jona Bechtolt and Aaron "Flint" Jamison will attempt to alter the Google search results for the town of Marfa, TX by creating a Webring and, then, (with the cooperation of the town's permanent residents) investigating the results of this action on the daily life of the town.

Case, Brody Condon
Brody Condon will re-create William Gibson's cyberpunk classic Neuromancer at a red barn theatre in rural Missouri with a local, former political activist in the role of the protagonist.

Untitled (Plate Tectonics), Andy Graydon
Andy Graydon explores sound as a building material. The project begins with field recordings taken at New York City arts institutions and manifests as phonograph records and a website where visitors are encouraged to add their own ambient recordings of installation and performance spaces.

Versionhood, Kristin Lucas
The artist Kristin Lucas recently changed her legal name from Kristin Sue Lucas to Kristin Sue Lucas and, thus, in her words, created "the most current version of Kristin Sue Lucas." In Versionhood, Lucas will consult with a range of experts on the concept of versioning and record the results on a public blog and a "How-to Refresh Yourself" manual.
Read project blog

Real Time, Joe McKay
Joe McKay will create a website and cell phone application that provide the user with their real time, based on their exact distance from the prime meridian not from the time zone they are in.

Young Man Was No Longer A..., Naeem Mohaiemen
Naeem Mohaiemen will produce essays, installations and performances exploring the loss of moments of possibility in relation to failed 1970s utopian revolutionary movements.

I Sky You, Maria del Carmen Montoya and Kevin Patton ** 2009 Member Selection
In I Sky You, Maria del Carmen Montoya and Kevin Patton will collaborate to produce an installation wherein the darkness of a room is intermittently broken by erratic bursts of chemically synthesized light as well as dissonant tones which respond to the unique luminescence and duration of each individual flare.

ElectricityComesFromAnotherPlanet.com, Angelo Plessas
Angelo Plessas's ElectricityComesFromAnotherPlanet.com is an interactive, browser-based work that will visualize the project's title: electricity from comes another planet. A neon landscape inspired by the movie Tron.

T.S.A. Communication, Evan Roth ** 2009 Member Selection
In T.S.A. Communication, Evan Roth will design and produce laser cut sheets of stainless steel bearing messages such as "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" or "NOTHING TO SEE HERE." The sheets are designed for the air traveler to place inside of his or her carry-on bag and, thus, provide the T.S.A. x-ray machine operator with a political message. The year-long performance will be documented by the artist in various forms.