Michael Demers

Member Since March 16, 2009

Michael Demers is an Associate Professor of Photography and Digital Media. His own work incorporates culture and cultural identity in a synthesis of critical investigation and his own adolescent preoccupation with toys and other weird ephemera. He has exhibited internationally, most recently at the Boston Cyberarts Gallery (Boston, MA), the Maryland Institute College of Art (Baltimore, MD), and Arteria “Internet Livre” (São Paulo, Brazil). He is a member of the White Columns Artist Registry (New York), and the Rhizome Curated ArtBase (New Museum, New York). He is a contributing author for Net Works: Case Studies in Web Art and Design (Routledge Press) and Foundations of Digital Art and Design (Pearson/New Riders), and is a curator on maps-dna-and-spam. Michael Demers received his BFA from Florida Atlantic University, his MFA from Ohio University, and a Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste Diplom from the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich, Germany.