John Michael Boling

Member Since February 9, 2005

March 3 2010 14:19 on FAVICONTEST

M.River. We are just looking for a new favicon. The artist designed Rhizome starburst logo will remain intact. It just didn't translate very well to the current favicon. We ...
Aug. 20 2009 17:15 on General Web Content

I totally agree Erik. I have plans to do a round up of those sometime in the future.
Aug. 18 2009 10:06 on Call For Work


Thanks for your feedback! We have comments enabled on the Tiny Sketch collection page on the OpenProcessing server. You can find it at — > ...
That top one is soooo good.

Me too.
July 26 2009 16:44 on Logo (2009) - Oliver Jennings

Eilis is a dudette (technically)
July 24 2009 13:59 on Logo (2009) - Oliver Jennings

JW - Are you thinking of this ?
Link seems to be working for me.
May 19 2009 22:25 on Xolor (2006) - Dimitre Lima

I like this one alot. Kudos CC
March 25 2009 11:01 on Rhizome Celebrates Ada Lovelace Day

Hey Marc!

Sorry we missed Furtherfield's Ada Lovelace Day project.

As you know, the internet is a big place and it's hard to keep abreast of everything going on all ...
March 2 2009 03:32 on Pixel Bleed


When I posted this, "Umbrella Zombie Datamosh Mistake" was the title on the YouTube page. I assume Paper Rad felt uncomfortable with their term being co-opted to describe that ...
I picked 'transformer fire' for two reasons.

1. Ceci showed me the "ceiling fan" post that directly precedes this post. It reminded me of "transformer fire".

2. "transformer fire" is ...
yes… that is a game gear in the left hand of the "hacker newbie" sculpture.
agreed. virtual space is beautifully stubborn when it comes to trying to convert/compress/translate it into the physical realm.
April 24 2008 19:27 on The Wrath of Math

yeah i was chuckling this week while watching matt's site burning up delicious. it seems like the community for this kind of stuff is on the verge of reaching critical ...