Joe McKay

Member Since May 24, 2005

Joe McKay is an artist who makes work with and about digital culture.McKay grew up in Ontario, Canada and went to school at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax. In 2001 McKay participated in the Whitney Independent Study Program and in 2007 completed a Graduate degree from UC Berkeley. Joe had two solo shows at VertexList in Williamsburg, New York. He has shown his work in the Berkshire museum, the National Gallery of Canada, the ICA (San Jose), the Pacific Film Archive, Postmasters Gallery, La Casa Encendida in (Madrid), The MoMA Studio, Pari Nadimi Gallery and the New Museum. Joe is currently assistant professor of New Media at SUNY Purchase.

Is the "oppressive and ruthless regime" the Bush administration or Chinese government?
I like the idea of a counter-show, however, I don't see how denying the Chinese people the opportunity ...