Jimmy Joe Roche

Member Since April 22, 2009

Jimmy Joe Roche is an American Visual Artist residing in Baltimore, MD. His videos have screened in venues including the Royal Academy of Arts in London, Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, J. Paul Getty Museum, Incubate Arts Festival in the Netherlands, Rojo@Nova 2010 in Brazil, and Baltimore Museum of Art. In 2008 Roche had his first solo show at Rare Gallery in New York, 2010 marked his second solo show in Colorado at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, and his third solo show opened at Rare Gallery in January of 2011. His work has appeared in numerous publications including Beautiful Decay, The New Museum's "Younger Than Jesus" Artist Directory, "100 New Artists" Laurence King Publishing, and a feature article in the Spanish Art Magazine BELIO.
Sept. 14 2011 13:37 on Reframing Tumblr: Hyper Geography

Its interesting how I increasingly see the burqa appearing in these expanded future digital cyborg online visual manifestos – I think us western liberals almost see it as some kind ...
Sept. 12 2011 23:29 on Artist Profile: Petra Cortright

I think one of the most interesting things about working through these massive networks such as youtube is the way that people find information through tags and keyword searches. In ...
Aug. 19 2011 01:49 on It’s Only Humanist

Claudia Hart's work - like her massive four channel installation of an aging computer generated greek temple come to mind. Its interesting to think of the dichotomy between greek sculpture which ...