Heidi May

Member Since October 14, 2008


Heidi May is an interdisciplinary artist and educator whose work examines visual language systems of contemporary culture. She works in two-dimensional and multimedia forms, examining the personal relationships we have with media and the resulting effects on identity.Heidi completed her MFA at the University of British Columbia and is currently pursuing a PhD, examining the relationship between networked art practices and contemporary art pedagogy. Heidi has exhibited artwork in Canada, published writing in leading art magazines and has presented papers in Canada, the United States, and Italy. She has been an instructor at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver since 2002 and has also taught at Langara College, Simon Fraser University and UBC. Her experience with online curriculum at Emily Carr University of Art + Design has inspired her to research the philosophy of internet technologies through both visual and textual means.——website: http://www.heidimay.cablog: http://heidimay.wordpress.com/postself: http://postself.wordpress.com
Jan. 13 2011 01:37 on The Postmedia Perspective

Thank you for this! Extremely relevant to ideas I have been trying to articulate. I do hope the full publication is translated to English very soon.
March 31 2010 22:14 on Using, Using, Used

Thanks Mary….I did take a look….would be great if you could email me some info on your project (via my webpage listed in my profile).

As I ...
March 9 2010 22:25 on Using, Using, Used

Reflective Space: Feeding into Ourselves

I’m searching for interesting contemporary works/projects that use the internet (specifically social media) as a tool for generating information/knowledge about either its ...
March 9 2010 22:21 on Using, Using, Used

This is fascinating stuff, Ry. I thought I had myself set up to be notified when replies were posted here…guess not. I still need to read through the "farmed" version ...
Feb. 25 2010 19:44 on Using, Using, Used

I really like where you are going with this…
I am also interested in the role language plays in how we perceive and understand the technologies we use and ...