Edwin VanGorder

Member Since April 1, 2010

I am a cyber drawing artist interested in building my archives as my art form which integrates trace both in the sense of genuine movement and prosody as well as the sense of semiotic blending which creates unusual architectures out of drawing as a cross-disciplinaric rhetoric or morphogenic agency of becoming.
Aug. 14 2010 19:58 on Required Reading

Thanks for this post… for a while I have been working with the idea for creating diverse shows stemmimf from a flagship concept of "tropentropy" to coin a phrase and ...
Aug. 13 2010 15:13 on Required Reading

The observation on ritualistic unpacking reminds me of The Lost Meaning Of Classical Architecture by George Hersey in which he regards the origins of much of our classic ornament as ...
The fact that dust (of interiors) is largely human skin helps explain why some Yogis can live off of air perhaps, it is a gentle cannablism as is the borrowing ...
Aug. 11 2010 19:16 on Call for Papers and Proposals

Yes, I believe I will be very happy to forward to this forum the comments I submitted to the Rhizom discussion thread but which didnt quite get up front to ...
Salters from the description seems to agree with Heraclitus that the sun is" born anew each day" and what intrigues me in the description of his interest in a democratic ...
Aug. 7 2010 04:25 on Untitled (2010) - Micah Schippa

I admire the way the work initiates one into questing the question that if to see one thing you must also see another is it yet true the edge and ...
Aug. 7 2010 04:16 on Tanner America

The family unit is the primary "publishing" mode of the species yet art which in our age is so much a complex publishing has in the recent past tried to ...
As quickly as I was bewildered everything fell into place , the show has an aha quality that is also provocative. The Detail alien has a resonance for me in relaying ...
I enjoyed the very complex topography of the work which begins at the end, contrasting movement as motion and movement as entirely within a static object.In the rest of ...
The review in its sympathy for history according to multi textual resourcefullness finds , implicitly restates, the traditional openendedness that is this approaches decisive signature. But it has been upon me ...