Duncan Malashock

Member Since June 1, 2009

Duncan Malashock lives and works in Brooklyn NY. Born 1982, San Diego CA. Graduated Bard College 2005, BA Integrated Arts. Member of <a href="http://www.computersclub.org/club" target="_blank">Computers Club</a>.
Feb. 6 2012 13:47 on My Broken iPhone

Thanks for this article, Joanne; it's nice to hear some personal thoughts on issues I'm sure we all think about, but I don't hear discussed too often.

So I've got ...
Aug. 17 2011 12:32 on It’s Only Humanist

As a point of interest, I think the Basilica Cistern in Istanbul was the inspiration for Angelo's piece:
Oct. 29 2010 14:31 on Body Flux (2010) - Sara Ludy

July 13 2009 23:24 on g (2008) - Jack Strange

July 1 2009 19:24 on = (2009) - Elna Frederick

i love this