Ceci Moss

Los Angeles, CA —

Member Since July 25, 2005

Ceci Moss is a curator, writer and educator. She is the founder of Gas, a mobile, autonomous, experimental and networked platform for contemporary art located in a truck gallery parked around Los Angeles and online. She has a MA and PhD in Comparative Literature from New York University, and a BA in History and Sociology from U.C. Berkeley. Her academic research addresses contemporary internet-based art practice and network culture. She has held teaching positions at Scripps College, the San Francisco Art Institute and New York University. Her writing has appeared in Rhizome, Art in America, ArtAsiaPacific, Artforum, The Wire, CURA, New Media & Society and various art catalogs.

For the past twelve years, Moss has worked in non-profit arts organizations in various curatorial, editorial and fundraising capacities. Previously, she was Assistant Curator of Visual Arts at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the Senior Editor of the art and technology non-profit arts organization Rhizome, and Special Projects Coordinator at the New Museum of Contemporary Art. Her wide-ranging curatorial projects encompass numerous exhibitions (both solo and group shows), public art commissions, public programs and publications. Highlights include the touring group exhibit Alien She co-curated with Astria Suparak on the influence of the punk feminist movement Riot Grrrl, the group show Office Space presenting works that subverted office design, the triennial Bay Area Now, a large scale public art installation with Kota Ezawa, and several solo exhibitions involving new commissions for artists such as Samara Golden, Shana Moulton, Metahaven, Nate Boyce and Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon. Her curatorial projects have received critical praise from The New York Times, Artforum, The Huffington Post, LA Weekly, Flash Art, Fast Company, The Wire, and Creator’s Project.

Aug. 24 2010 11:44 on Ghost (1984) - Takashi Ito

Awesome - thanks for sharing all this information, Michael!
Hi Sarah,
Removed Nina Pope and Karen Guthrie's names from the sentence on NODE.London - thanks for pointing that out to us!
June 1 2010 13:12 on Dispatches from No Soul For Sale

Cedric Maridet emailed me a description of Back into the Ether, from the exhibition "Cities of Desire" at the Hong Kong Arts Centre and at the IG Bildende Kunst in ...
Jan. 4 2010 16:52 on Top 5 - 10

Thanks for your reply, Travis! To answer your question, the Larry Cuba and Tron reference is my own read/interpretation, I felt it aptly captured the aesthetic I was attempting ...
Thanks for sharing that link! She actually just wrote me last night, possibly after seeing this post, and sent over her myspace:
It looks/sounds ...

Nice, Brian! I love Natalie Jeremijenko's work.
Aug. 21 2009 13:27 on 101 Cassette Labels

I'm totally excited about the response this post has generated, and especially the links/photos to other releases/labels. I thoroughly enjoyed putting it together and these links are great ...
Aug. 18 2009 10:10 on Dancing Machines

Hi Greg -
I would contact Natalie Bookchin directly about this inquiry:

July 8 2009 15:34 on On Tour

It is Rhizome's mission to support artists and we do this through multiple programs everyday. Of course, when an artist has an issue, we take it seriously and consider the ...
July 6 2009 14:17 on On Tour

Dear Nikola,
It is not our policy to remove posts after they have been written. I spoke with Brian, and he verified that he did speak to you about writing ...
I've been insanely busy with No Soul For Sale this week, so apologies for not responding sooner.

I've noticed a lot of speculation and assumptions running around this discussion so ...
June 1 2009 12:02 on Again and Again

thanks for the recap!
May 26 2009 11:13 on General Web Content

wow, that david lynch/dirty dancing video is a good one!
March 20 2009 18:43 on Closing Tomorrow, Catch It Today

Thanks for alerting me to that, Ed! I'm glad they extended it.
Hi Tom -
Thanks for providing a description of the installation of Slocum's post. If you or Aron or Paul have photos of the installation, please post them here, I think ...

Should work now! Thanks Tracky!
"Is it really an either/or? Are we still thinking dialectically about concept/aesthetic, craft/pop, insider/outsider, form/content, abstraction/figuration? These are modern dichotomies, and we have never ...
Sept. 29 2008 14:50 on Linked In

Paddy Johnson followed up the report with a response from Chelsea Art Museum director Dorothea Keeser. According to Keeser and curator Manon Slome, Slome resigned and canceled the exhibition after ...
Hi Lee-
Yes, we plan to post video documentation of the Net Aesthetics 2.0 panel to the site. Working on it!
Jan. 3 2008 16:22 on Enter Vilnius

Thank you for the thoughtful comment. We clarified our emphasis. You're right–the CAC should most certainly not be overlooked, and neither should the important and vibrant art community in Lithuania.