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  • Breaking! The Aesthetics of Terror at The Chelsea Art Museum Cancelled- Via Art Fag City: "The Aesthetics of Terror, an exhibition scheduled for launch this November at the Chelsea Art Museum has been canceled by museum president Dorothea Keeser. Artists were informed yesterday morning that Keeser felt the show 'glorified terrorism and showed disrespect for its victims.' "

  • Financial Crimes- Full text from a speech given by Brian Holmes at the Convergence Center exhibition earlier this week: " is urgent for cultural producers to communicate the stakes of contemporary transformations, without remaining in the ghetto of specialized languages and vanguard techniques. We need a broader understanding of what art can be, certainly not a return to the old splits between avant-garde rupture and documentary realism. Art has a key role to play in the economy, in communications and in the spectacles of power. Much of the world today exists in the imagination, in the semiotic realms that I was describing before. And they have a huge effect on concrete reality."

  • simone niquille- Extract from a work-in-progress by artist Simone Niquille, via i heart photograph. "the images are derived from google search results for politicians and data from their speeches."