a bill miller

Member Since October 30, 2006

A. Bill Miller, Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He earned his MFA at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His nationally and internationally exhibited works include his acclaimed Gridworks Project, which comprises abstract ASCII drawings, ink drawings, animated GIFs, and video elements. A. Bill Miller can be found at: http://www.master-list2000.com/abillmiller
April 30 2013 16:14 on Emoticon, Emoji, Text II: Just ASCII

philip - i'd love to talk more! i agree, there are connections to dada, concrete poetry/visual poetry for sure. i also think there are connections to algorithmic writing like oulipo ...
April 30 2013 12:16 on Emoticon, Emoji, Text II: Just ASCII

In general, a really interesting overview - thanks for posting about ASCII art. It might be nice to consider Dick Higgins' book Pattern Poetry for some more deep historical references.
<3 <3 <3 <3
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Its interesting to look at these in relationship to the individual frames of animation as a sort of onion-skin - as if what you are seeing is an entire sequence of ...
I saw this posted somewhere else yesterday, but they didn't link the actual video, thanks - because I wanted to see it

srsly, computers club has been really great
June 29 2010 14:52 on New from dump.fm

Brandon Bauer & I have been doing a pdf zine for about a year now. Our most recent issue, released this week, features content captured from dump.fm and jogging ...
Feb. 4 2010 23:57 on Will Gompertz on Net Art

how do i shot web?
Nov. 17 2009 14:12 on Perma Deluxe

Gonna try using this as my playlist for a class I teach today… Thanks!!!
Aug. 20 2009 13:05 on General Web Content

I really dig these Internet Video "Case Studies" you guys have posting over the last year or so.
Keep em coming!
This has been one of my favs for awhile now!

you guys are great!
1924? Great Find!
This is a really interesting loop and I'm particularly interested in the fact that the entirety of the browser window remains empty.
I love Chris Ashley's work. I've been following it for awhile. Talked to him over e-mail a bit about the work and he is very generous. He makes more "traditional" ...
April 6 2009 22:50 on Dogs in Space

I'm starting a net art class this summer and was intending to include ytmnd… this just gives me another reference. WORD!
March 2 2009 11:21 on Pixel Bleed

At this point does it really matter what happened first? I don't really care who does something first anymore… just who takes something in an interesting direction.
its like posting ...
April 2 2008 16:57 on The Rematerialization of Art

I think selling an "editioned DVD" is really funny.