Brian Droitcour

Treating Youtube as an archive, a series of video and photo-based works that appropriate amateur ...

Ceci Moss

For Constant Dullaart the Internet serves as a medium as well as a subject of ...

Brian Droitcour

4 channel video installation based on YouTube material made by individuals filming themselves in Egypt ...

Ceci Moss

Petra Cortright, vvebcam (still), 2007; high-definition digital video; 1 minute 41 seconds; ed. of 3 ...

Ceci Moss

"oops" || appropriated digital video || 2009 || concept by Billy Rennekamp Somewhere between a home-video mixtape and ...


Last spring, Natacha Stolz, a performance artist and a student at the School of the ...

Saskia Korsten

Evelien Lohbeck’s multimedia artwork noteboek (2008), has been selected as a Top Video in ...