Ceci Moss

This clip of protesters in Bil'in, Palestine dressed as Na'vi from James Cameron ...

Zhang Wei


Lauren Cornell

Cover of William Gibson's novel Neuromancer Scheduled for its New York premiere this Sunday ...

Ceci Moss

Wendeltrap by Miriam Ellen Ewers (from nonmonument.com) Created by artist Peter Baldes's Electronic ...

Ceci Moss

A joint initiative between the University of Illinois at Chicago's College of Engineering and ...

Claire L. Evans

"Beam Me Up" is the ultimate call for oblivion.

From Star Trek's transporter room ...

Carolyn Kane

Image: Art and Electronic Media (Cover) Edward A. Shanken’s new book Art and Electronic ...

Alan Licht

Image: John Gerrard, Sentry (Kit Carson, Colorado), 2008 (Realtime 3-D on plasma screen, Sculptural display ...

Ceci Moss

Image: Work by 2008 Location One Virtual Residents Andy Deck, Susanne Berkenheger, and Hidenori Watanave ...

Gene McHugh

When the independent curator, publisher, writer and art dealer Willoughby Sharp died this past December ...