Ceci Moss

Image: Ryan Trecartin, not yet titled, 2007 (3-channel video and installation) For a little over ...

John Michael Boling

Video: Woody Vasulka, Vocabulary, 1973Video: Steina Vasulka, Warp, 2000 VASULKA.ORG is a tremendous resource ...

Marisa Olson

Video: Jeremy Bailey, SOS - Preview, 2008 In the New York art world, there's a ...

Ceci Moss

Flooded McDonald's from Superflex on Vimeo. Flooded McDonald's is a film work by ...

Ceci Moss and John Michael Boling

In lieu of a "Best of" we've decided to pull together projects, events and ...

Caitlin Jones

In the early seventies Gerald O'Grady, a professor of English Literature at the State ...

Ceci Moss

Video: Response from the iConfessional at Mattress Factory Image: Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz, Hole-In-Space ...

Ceci Moss

LAUNCH Excerpt from text accompanying Comma, Pregnant Pause: A comma indicates a pause or break ...


We've updated Rhizome's Vimeo and Video page with new clips from Rhizome's ...

John Michael Boling