Marisa Olson

Image: Graham Dolphin, The Possibilites Are Endless, 2008 Time. It's an old topic. From ...

Gene McHugh

When the independent curator, publisher, writer and art dealer Willoughby Sharp died this past December ...

Marisa Olson

Today, the Berkeley Art Museum/ Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley Center for New Media, and Long ...

Ceci Moss

See below for an instructional video from Berkeley's pirate radio station Free Radio Berkeley ...

Ceci Moss

On February 17, 2009, the U.S. television broadcast signal will go digital, effectively putting ...

Ceci Moss

Video: Yip Yip aliens discover a radio (via free103point9's blog) Lots of radio-related activity ...

Marisa Olson

It's interesting to think of the correlations between religion and reproduction. From illuminated manuscripts ...

Ceci Moss

LAUNCH Statement: Radio Astronomy is an art and science project which broadcasts sounds intercepted from ...

Ceci Moss

LAPS 2008 from art of failure on Vimeo. Artist's statement: Laps is an audio ...

Ceci Moss

The Walker Art Center's web casting branch, the Walker Channel, just announced that their ...

Ceci Moss

Brainwave generated while looking at Hawaii Five-O, transmitted at the speed of light to the ...