Jenny Jaskey

TXTual Healing was created in the early days of 2006 by Paul Notzold and has ...

John Michael Boling

TextBild MMIX curated by Agnes Altziebler, Werner Fenz, Evelyn Kraus & Birgit Kulterer. Text plays a ...

John Michael Boling

"Text Rain is an interactive installation in which participants use the familiar instrument of their ...

Ceci Moss

"109 Lighting Books" in the group exhibition "Textual Landscapes" at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery

Jeanne Gerrity

Image: Jill Magid, Prologue, 2009 (Courtesy Jill Magid, Courtesy Yvon Lambert Paris, New York) "The ...

John Michael Boling

A sound and video installation where a computer program continuously changes between the different vocal ...

Ceci Moss

Peter Ablinger - A Letter From Schoenberg from mediateletipos on Vimeo.