Ceci Moss

When television stations in the U.S. switched to digital broadcasting last Friday, viewers across ...

Ceci Moss

With the work Telemistica, Jankowski plunges into the medial world of the Italian local TV ...

Carolyn Kane

In the 1960s and 1970s, Nam June Paik, and many of his pioneering video artist ...

Chloe Gray

The date is February 9, 1972, and Chris Burden arrives at Channel 3 Cablevision’s ...

Ceci Moss

Apply for an AIRtime fellowship from free103point9! Fellows receive funding, resources and equipment to produce ...

John Michael Boling

Note: Embedded video has been compressed to play back at 14x speed. The full piece ...

John Michael Boling

The New Television Workshop at WGBH supported the creation and broadcast of experimental works by ...

Ceci Moss

Image: Boris Groys, Medium Religion [Medium Religion], 2006. video lecture (color, sound), 25 min., loop ...