John Michael Boling

Ceci Moss

Powercord VS Philter Phreak, 2005 from Yoshi Sodeoka on Vimeo.

Jonah Brucker-Cohen

As the niche genre of software art expands beyond the web and into mobile devices ...

John Michael Boling

"After having a conversation on the phone with Burroughs in 1968, Giorno initiated the Dial-A-Poem ...

Brian Droitcour

Image: Notice on the site of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs This month I ...

Ceci Moss

Image: Unprojectable: Projection and Perspective (2008), performance documentation, Tate Modern, London "DG: So just to ...

John Michael Boling

Music randomly generated by dipping ducks (AKA happy birds, drinking birds, dippy birds, happy ducks ...

Ceci Moss

7 quicktime players playing 1 windows startup sound & 1 found image indicating 7 areas of ...

Brian Droitcour

Image: Mike Rosenthal, The Traveling Sound Museum, 2009 The spring show of ITP, New York ...