John Michael Boling

Bicycle Built For 2,000 is comprised of 2,088 voice recordings collected via Amazon ...

Ceci Moss

"But Dullaart's Readymades are more than a formalist exploration of the Internet at its ...

Marisa Olson

Joseph Del Pesco is over caffeinated. from lee Walton on Vimeo. Beth O'Brien is ...

Ceci Moss

The New York Times announced this morning that Facebook would revert back to its previous ...

Ceci Moss

1stfans: An Audience-Specific Membership Program at the Brooklyn Museum on Museum 2.0

John Michael Boling

Greg J. Smith

On any given day, the average web user may log into as many as a ...

Ed Halter

 Video: Superstruct: the Final Threat "We are living in interesting times," science fiction author Charles ...

Ed Halter

Curated by artists Caspar Stracke and Gabriela Monroy, Brooklyn's video_dumbo, a festival of the ...